Housing FAQ
Updated 3/23/2023
Welcome to living on campus here at Lewis & Clark College! We have done our best to answer the questions that come up the most, but of course if you still have questions, please feel free to contact the Campus Living office at living@lclark.edu or (503) 768-7123.
Incoming Student FAQs
To join an LLC you must fill out a form during housing assignments. Students who have not been in the LLC they are applying for should fill out the LLC application, while students who have been in the LLC they are applying for should fill out the LLC reflection. All of these can be found on the Campus Living website under each individual LLC page.
You are welcome to choose from any of the residence halls that new students are eligible for. These halls include:
- Akin
- Alder
- Copeland
- Howard
- Manzanita
- Odell
- Platt
- Ponderosa
- Spruce
- Stewart
This does not mean that you are guaranteed to be placed there, as we try our best to place people where they choose but certain areas fill up quickly.
There are residence halls that are for returning residents and/or upperclassmen only.
Returning second year students can live in the aforementioned halls as well as in Holmes and Hartzfeld. Incoming transfer students with sophomore standing are eligible to live in Holmes and Hartzfeld.
Students who complete their residency requirement become eligible to live in the Apartments (East Hall, West Hall, and Roberts Hall) as well as Juniper Hall.
In all residence halls there are restrooms; showers, with private shower stalls; fully equipped kitchens with a community fridge and stove/oven combo.
You can bring as much as you want. We do suggest caution because the residence hall rooms are a moderate size and sharing them with other people means even less space. Another note is that anything you bring to campus, you will have to take home at the end of the year. If you are worried about being able to transport a mini fridge or microwave at the end of the school year, Collegiate Concepts Microfridge rentals may be for you. Please see our website here for more details.
Official housing assignments for incoming students will be out in late July or early August. We thank you for your patience!
There is no curfew for students.
Continuing Student FAQs
No, we ask that you do not sign up for housing for the time period you are meant to be abroad. If it ends up that you can not go on the abroad trip we will work with you to find housing. We will do our best to find space for you on campus, but we cannot guarantee space will be available.
The only way to stay in the same room is to select that room during the housing selection process. We do not allow squatting.
Yes, to continue living in an LLC you must complete the LLC student reflection. This can be found on the Campus Living website under each individual LLC page.
You should have your room assignment after the housing selection process.
General FAQs
Allowing swamp coolers and personal air conditioners (even non-window units) will cause a large electrical load increase to the system that is unsustainable. Therefore we are not able to permit swamp coolers or portable AC units in the residence halls. Most of our residence halls have large circuit runs (multiple rooms on one circuit) and were designed before AC in the PNW was a factor. Therefore adding the extra loads of an AC unit in multiple rooms will, best case, cause breakers to trip or, worst case, create a condition for a fire hazard on the aging wiring. We encourage residents to open windows and leverage fans to create airflow in their rooms. Fans are absolutely allowed in the halls.
Yes, you can still request to live on a floor with a single gender restroom by requesting on the housing portal to live on a single gender floor. These spaces are limited, though, so please be mindful that if you would like to live on a single gender floor, your options for room types may be limited.
The standard height of the beds, measured from the floor to the bottom of the bed, is 22”.
To submit a work order you can go to our website here and add all necessary information and details about the problem. After submitting the form, Facilities will be notified within 2 business days.
Meal Plan FAQs
As meal plans are required for all residential students, there is no easy way to just cancel a meal plan. If you would like to explore the option of formally applying for an exemption for health based reasons, please see the meal plan exemption request on our website. Otherwise, meal plans are required for all students living on campus so if you would like a reduced plan, you can change your meal plan for the next semester through our housing portal.
You are able to check your meal plan through our housing portal.
Please email living@lclark.edu to change your meal plan.
Move In and Move Out FAQs
Fill out the Room and Condition Report and be sure to record any damages in the room. Taking photographs of the space is also helpful if we request additional documentation.
Charges are assessed based on the damages in the room that have been incurred during the time the student has lived there. This is why it is very important to fill out a Room and Condition Report at the beginning of the year, as we would not like to charge anyone for damages they have not caused.
Yes, submitting RCRs when you move in and move out is required and is the best way to prevent being charged for damages in your room that you did not cause.
Submitting an RCR when you move into your room at the beginning of a semester is the best way to ensure you are not charged for damages already apparent in your room at the end of the school year. At the end of the school year when ADs and RAs do end of the year room checks for damages, they use your previously submitted RCR as the baseline for the space. So, if an item is listed as broken on the move in RCR and the AD notices it is still broken during their inspection, then they know it is not the fault of the student currently occupying that space, it was from a previous occupant. Failure to submit an RCR at the beginning of the school year leaves the onus of any damages in the space on the current resident(s). All charges assess for that space will then be due to any current occupant(s) Student Account.
Please see our guest policy here.
To move in early you must be approved by the Campus Living department. Please reach out to our main office at least one week in advance before your requested arrival date and will then be asked to submit an Early Arrival Request Form. We will review your request and reach back out accordingly once a decision about your early arrival is made. Submission of this form is the only way to be approved for an early arrival. Please note that a standard charge of $30/night will be applied to your student account for approved early arrivals. Unapproved early arrivals carry a charge of $150/night.
Breaks/ Time Off FAQs
Yes, there is a cost for living in summer housing. The cost of summer housing is about 20% less than it is for on campus housing the rest of the school year. This last year, the cost of summer housing was $195/week. The cost is recalculated each year closer to when summer housing applications open, this amount is subject to change.
Yes, unless you are moving rooms at the semester or not returning for the spring semester, you are permitted to store your items in your residence hall room for the duration of Winter Break.
You are welcome to stay on campus for fall and Thanksgiving break, though food services may change from the regular schedule. During winter break the halls are closed, thus everyone is asked to leave unless they apply for winter break housing. Students who need to live on campus over winter break are subject to additional fees. Additionally, student’s who live in apartments have winter break housing included in their nine month lease. Please note, there will be no meal services available over Thanksgiving break and winter break.
Campus Living is located in Odell Annex on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 132
email living@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-7123
The Office of Campus Living
Main Office: 503-768-7123
RA on Call: 503-768-8999
Campus Living
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219