Department Policies
The following documents are in PDF format and require Adobe Reader.
- Animal Use Policy: Why we use animals in teaching biology.
- Biological Investigations Manual.
- Citing Scientific Information: How to cite sources in scientific writing.
- Effective Scientific Writing: Tips for organizing and structuring effective scientific writing.
- Graduate School Information: A FAQ for applying to Master’s and PhD programs in Biology.
- Honesty in Science: Policies and penalties for academic dishonesty, and tips for avoiding errors.
- Independent Study: A research project designed by a student in consultation with a faculty member.
- Petitioning the Biology Department: General guidelines for submitting a petition to waive departmental requirements
- Transferring credit or substituting a course: A description of the materials you will need to assemble and submit to obtain a waiver or apply transfer credits to fulfill Biology course requirements.
- Writing a Senior Thesis: Guidelines for proposing and carrying out a year-long senior research thesis.
Biology is located in room 210 of Biology-Psychology on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 53
voice 503-768-7511
Chair Tamily Weissman-Unni
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219