For Current Students
The Department of Biology at Lewis & Clark is an innovative and comprehensive program that emphasizes original research and critical thinking.
Biology at Lewis & Clark is learning lots of names and memorizing metabolic pathways(though you will learn these things!). We believe that the best way to learn science is to do science, and our curriculum is designed to engage students in the process of science from their very first class. Our core curriculum reflects this mission by focusing on the concepts and connections that pervade all levels of biological inquiry. Information about our curriculum can be found here, or in the college catalog.
Because research is central to biological science, we make it a key part of the student experience, immersing students in the process of discovery. In biology courses, students develop the skills of logical problem-solving and rigorous methodology that characterize scientific investigation. Most courses involve students conducting original research. Outside of class, many biology students take on independent research projects; others collaborate with faculty, often co-authoring research publications and presentations for regional and national meetings.
With access to research internship opportunities, state-of-the-art equipment, and engaged and accessible faculty, Lewis & Clark student biologists formulate challenging new questions about the living world and design ways to answer them. They develop the skills to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their own work and the work of others, and understand the connections between different levels of biological organization. Perhaps most importantly, our students develop a lifelong enthusiasm for biology.
Biology is located in room 210 of Biology-Psychology on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 53
voice 503-768-7511
Chair Tamily Weissman-Unni
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219