Majoring and Minoring
For complete information about majoring and minoring, see the online catalog.
100 European and North American Art
105 Introduction to Visual Art and Culture
106 Introduction to Video Art
112 Digital Media I
113 Sculpture I
115 Drawing I
116 Ceramics I
117A Painting Fundamentals
117B Figure Painting
120 Photography I
150 Chinese Art
201 Modern European Art
204 The History of American Art
207 Pre-Columbian Art
208 Ancient Greek and Roman Art
212 Digital Media II
213 Sculpture II
215 Drawing II
216 Ceramics II
217 Painting II
220 Photography II
229 Art & Ecology: Material Matters
230 Global Baroque
244 Practicum
299 Independent Study
301 Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture
303 Realism, Photography, and Print Culture in the 19th Century
309 Art of New York
311 Studio Seminar on Contemporary Art Theory and Practice
312 Digital Media III
313 Sculpture III
315 Drawing III
316 Ceramics III
317 Painting III
319 Modern Architecture
320 Photography III
325 Ovid and the Visual Arts
327 Special Topics in Studio Art
333 Visual Perspectives on Dante’s Divine Comedy
361 Modern China
367 Special Topics in Art History
401 Art After 1945
444 Practicum
451 Theory in Practice
452 Memory as Representation
491 Senior Art Practice
492 Senior Art Projects
493 Senior Seminar: Art History
499 Independent Study
241 Text and Image
281 From Scroll to Codex: Working With Medieval Manuscripts
310 Curatorial Affairs in the Visual Arts
300 Historical Materials
203 Philosophy of Art and Beauty
Sociology and Anthropology
245 Visual Anthropology
247 Space, Place, and Landscape
The Major Programs
The department offers two majors: studio art and art history. Students are not permitted to double-major in studio art and art history because there is significant overlap in courses required for each major. There is more information in the catalog.
Students majoring in studio art must complete at least one 300-level studio art course in ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, digital media, or sculpture before enrolling in ART 491 Senior Art Practice. (The course cannot be an internship or independent study.) To meet the studio art major requirements, students must declare the major and select a full-time faculty member as an advisor by the end of their sophomore year (preferably the faculty advisor the student will work with at the 300 level).
All studio art majors must take ART 311 Studio Seminar on Contemporary Art Theory and Practice in the junior year. Art majors are required to have completed one art history course before ART 311. In the spring semester of the senior year, all senior art majors are required to take ART 492 Senior Art Projects and work with their advisors on finalizing the installation of their proposed project(s) in the Senior Art Exhibition on campus.
Art history majors should complete either ART 401 Art After 1945 or ART 451 Theory in Practice before registering for the required ART 493 Senior Seminar: Art History. The senior seminar must be taken in the fall semester of a student’s senior year. In addition, art history majors are strongly encouraged to complete their interdisciplinary requirement by taking HIST 300 Historical Materials, PHIL 203 Philosophy of Art and Beauty, SOAN 245 Visual Anthropology, ENG 241 Text and Image, or ENG 281 From Scroll to Codex: Working With Medieval Manuscripts before registering for the ART 493 Senior Seminar: Art History.
Major Requirements: Studio Art
A minimum of 44 semester credits, distributed as follows:
- Two courses in art history; at least one in non-Western art. At least one must be at the 200 level or higher.
One introductory course in two-dimensional media chosen from the following:
ART 112 Digital Media I ART 115 Drawing I ART 117A Painting Fundamentals ART 117B Figure Painting ART 120 Photography I -
One introductory course in three dimensional media chosen from the following:
ART 112 Digital Media I ART 113 Sculpture I ART 116 Ceramics I - Two elective courses in studio art (any level).
- Two 300-level elective courses in studio art.
- ART 311: Studio Seminar on Contemporary Art Theory and Practice. Must be taken in the junior year.
- ART 491: Senior Practice: Required course offered fall only for seniors.
- ART 492: Senior Art Projects
Major Requirements: Art History
A minimum of 44 semester credits, distributed as follows:
Two courses chosen from the following:
ART 100 European and North American Art ART 150 Key Monuments in the History of Chinese Art ART 207 Pre-Columbian Art - Any two studio art courses
One of the following interdisciplinary courses
ENG 241 Text and Image ENG 281 From Scroll to Codex: Working with Medieval Manuscripts HIST 300 Historical Materials PHIL 203 Philosophy of Art and Beauty SOAN 245 Visual Anthropology SOAN 247 Space, Place and Landscape -
One course in pre-1800 art history chosen from the list below. ART 150 or ART 207 may only be applied once to the major.
ART 150 Key Monuments in the History of Chinese Art ART 207 Pre-Columbian Art ART 208 Ancient Art of the Mediterranean World
ART 230 Baroque Art Worlds
ART 301 Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture
ART 333 Visual Perspectives on Dante’s Divine Comedy
- Three additional elective courses in art history
- One course at the 400 level (ideally taken before ART 493)
ART 401 | Art After 1945 |
ART 451 | Theory in Practice |
ART 452 | Memory as Representation |
- ART 493: Senior Seminar: Art History, which must be taken in the fall semester before graduation. It is only offered in the fall semester.
Minor Requirements: Art and Art History
A minimum of 24 semester credits (six courses), distributed as follows:
- Two courses in art history; at least one in non-Western art. At least one must be at the 200 level or higher.
One course in two-dimensional studio art chosen from the following:
ART 112 Digital Media I (may only be used once to fill minor requirements) ART 115 Drawing I ART 117A Painting Fundamentals ART 117B Figure Painting ART 120 Photography I -
One course in three-dimensional studio art chosen from the following:
ART 112 Digital Media (may only be used once to fill minor requirements) ART 113 Sculpture I ART 116 Ceramics I - Two elective courses in studio art or art history.
Students majoring in art or art history may not pursue the combined minor.
Advising Checklists:
Outside the Classroom
Our annual senior exhibition showcases the work of our graduating majors in the professional space on campus, the Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art. Our visiting artist lecture series features nationally and internationally recognized artists working in a broad range of disciplines. Our students have been awarded numerous arts-related internships in Portland. The Art Club is an entirely student-run organization that organizes lots of extracurricular art opportunities, including art exhibitions, visiting artists, and the annual Art Week.
Art is located in Fields Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 92
voice 503-768-7390
fax 503-768-7401
Chair Joel W. Fisher
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219