Frequently Asked Questions

Studio Art

“I took an AP course in (drawing, painting”¦) at my high school and earned a high score. Because of that, can I advance to the 200 level without taking the 100 level course. Can my AP credits be used for my art major?

If a student wishes to challenge the 100 level requirement of a particular specialty, s/he needs to meet with the professor and review the student’s portfolio. The professor will determine if all the criteria for the 100 level was met. AP credits can be applied to overall college credits but not for the 44 required credits in Studio Art.

“It is logistically doable to double major in Studio Art and another field of study such as biology?”
Yes, it is possible. However, the student must plan well in advance by mapping out a four-year plan with both advisors.

Is it possible for me to be enrolled in an overseas program and be an art major?
Yes, it is. A Studio Art major must be enrolled on campus during the last three semesters due to required course work and must plan accordingly when selecting an overseas program. The New York Program is highly recommended for Studio Art majors.

What are the best classes to take during the first and second year of study?
We encourage art majors to take a variety of 100 level studio courses in the first two years along with Art History courses. A studio major must take a 2-D or 3-D Foundations course before the end of the sophomore year.

When do I need to declare my major?
A student should declare his/her major by the end of sophomore year.

Are there any scholarship opportunities in the Fine Arts. 
Yes, the Barbara Bartholomew Memorial Scholarship (Painting and Drawing) and the Ken Swanson Memorial Scholarship (Ceramics) is awarded to students of high merit and financial need.