Majoring & Minoring

For complete information about majoring and minoring, see the online catalog.

German Studies Major Requirements

A minimum of 36 semester hours (9 courses) beyond GERM 202 Intermediate German II:

The following courses are required:

GERM 301 German Composition and Conversation or equivalent in Munich

GERM 321 Introduction to Literary Studies or equivalent in Munich (may be repeated for credit with change of topic)

GERM 410 Major Periods in German Literature From the Beginning to Enlightenment

GERM 411 Major Periods in German Literature from the Enlightenment to the Present (offered in Munich only)

GERM 422 German Culture and Civilization (offered in Munich only)

GERM 450 Special Topics (may be repeated for credit with change of topic)

One of the following:

GERM 230 German Literature in Translation (topics vary) or

GERM 350 Topics in German Literature and Culture

Two additional courses are to be selected from offerings on-campus or overseas:

Elective courses offered on campus that may count towards the major:

GERM 230 German Literature in Translation (if not taken to fulfill the above req.)

GERM 251/252 Conversational German, if two courses are taken.

GERM 350 Topics in German Literature and Culture (if not taken to fulfill the above req.

HIST 226 20th Century Germany 

HIST 229  Holocaust in Comparative Perspective

HIST 323 Modern European Intellectual History

courses offered in Munich that count toward the major:

OS-125 Art through the Ages

OS-425 Contemporary Literature

With program approval, Overseas Courses pertaining to German literature, culture, or history may count as elective credit.

NOTE: Majors are required to take a senior oral proficiency evaluation.

Any upper-level German course taken on campus on a credit-no credit basis with the exception of 251/252 cannot be counted toward the major.

An optional Honors Thesis may be completed, with faculty approval, as part of the major.  More information can be found HERE.