For complete information about majoring, see the online catalog.
Ethnic Studies
400 Topics in Race and Ethnic StudiesGender Studies
231 Genders and Sexualities in Global Perspective
440 Feminist Theory
Sociology and Anthropology
100 Introduction to Sociology
110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
200 Ethnographic Research Methods
201 Quantitative Research Methods
204 Reading “Texts”: Discourse, Visual, and Material Analysis
205 Research Theory and Design
214 Social Change
215 International Migration
216 Social Power of Music
217 Ethnography of Jews and Judaism
221 Work, Leisure, and Consumption
222 City and Society
225 Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective
236 Reproductive Justice: Bodies, Health, and Society
244 Internship/Practicum
245 Visual Anthropology
247 Space, Place, and Landscape
249 The Political Economy of Food
250 Southeast Asia: Development, Resistance, and Social Change
251 Myth, Ritual, and Symbol
254 The Social Life of Money and Exchange
255 Medicine, Healing, and Culture
261 Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
262 Gender and Sexuality in South Asia
265 Critical Perspectives on Development
266 Social Change in Latin America
281 South Asian Cultures
282 Pacific Rim Cities
284 Anthropology of Print Media
285 Culture and Power in the Middle East
299 Independent Study
300 Social Theory
303 Language, Culture, and Society
305 Environmental Sociology
307 Resilience in Disasters
309 Labors of Love
310 Religion, Society, and Modernity
321 Theory Through Ethnography
324 Anthropology of Violence
325 Social Life of Policy
331 Power, Privilege, and Inequality
333 Altered States: Social and Cultural Dilemmas
334 Anthropology of Suffering
335 Political Economy of Housing
342 Power and Resistance
347 Borderlands: Tibet and the Himalaya
348 Semiotics and Social Life
349 Indigenous Peoples: Identities and Politics
350 Global Inequality
359 Topics in Medical Anthropology
360 Decolonizing Anthropology
366 Indebted Lives: Debt & Inequality in American Society
367 Anthropology of Tourism: Travel in Asia
373 Political Economy of Black Labor
390 Cyborg Anthropology
393 Affect Theory and Feminist Inquiry
395 Anthropology of the Body
400 Senior Seminar and Thesis
444 Internship/Practicum
499 Independent Study
The SOAN major requires a total of ten courses that provide a common foundation and allow for exploration of individual interests, culminating with the completion of a student-designed senior thesis project under faculty guidance.
Five core courses are required:
- One introductory course: SOAN 100 (Introduction to Sociology) or SOAN 110 (Introduction to Cultural Anthropology)
Two courses in sociological and anthropological research methods
One methods course chosen from the following:
- SOAN 200 Ethnographic Research Methods
- SOAN 201 Quantitative Research Methods
- SOAN 204 Reading “Texts”: Discourse, Visual, and Material Analysis
- And SOAN 205 Research Theory and Design
One methods course chosen from the following:
- One course on the development of social theory: SOAN 300 (Social Theory)
- One course devoted to the completion of the senior thesis project: SOAN 400 (Senior Seminar and Thesis)
Five elective courses complete the major:
Elective courses can be chosen from SOAN courses numbered 202 through 499; GEND 231 or GEND 440.
At least two of the courses must be from advanced SOAN courses numbered 301 through 498 (excluding SOAN 444), ETHS 400, or GEND 440.
Students may apply a maximum of 4 semester credit hours toward the elective requirement from the following list:
SOAN 244 Internship/Practicum
SOAN 299 Independent Study
SOAN 444 Internship/Practicum
SOAN 499 Independent Study
The department does not offer a minor.
Sociology and Anthropology is located in John R. Howard Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 60
voice 503-768-7616
fax 503-768-7620
Chair: Maryann Bylander
Sociology and Anthropology
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219