Portland Speech & Debate Institute

The 2024 Portland Speech & Debate Institute will again be held on the campus of Lewis & Clark College, July 2024.

Registration is open at: https://apply.lclark.edu/register/psdi24

The camp will have both a residential and commuter option!

Dates: July 8-13, July 15-20 (2 week residential students do not need to move out between weeks)

Formats: World Schools, Lincoln-Douglas, Parliamentary, Public Forum, Speech events (each week covers one format - students are welcome to participate in two different events in different weeks)

                 Parliamentary Debate and Lincoln-Douglas will be offered in week 1; Public Forum and World                             Schools will be offered in week 2. Policy debate will cover both weeks; if a student wishes to do                         only one week of policy, we recommend the July 8-13 dates.

Commuter Tuition: $750 per week; $1350 for both weeks (includes six lunches and five dinners)

                 Deposit due within 2 weeks of registration: $250

Residential Tuition: $1200 per week; $2300 for both weeks (includes housing and three meals per day)

                 Deposit due within 2 weeks of registration: $400

Rough schedule: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm weekdays; practice tournament on Saturday

For more specific information, please contact jgantt@lclark.edu (though many details are still being finalized).

Earn at Least $20,000 in Scholarship Funds to Attend L&C*

Students who complete a precollege summer program and are later admitted to L&C will get preferential consideration for merit-based aid and are guaranteed to receive a minimum of $20,000/year in renewable scholarship funding in the form of a Sequoia or Oregon Maple scholarship.

*Sequoia or Oregon Maple academic merit scholarships granted at the time of admission will already take into account any participation in a Lewis & Clark precollege summer program. Students with strong academic credentials who attend a precollege summer program and are later admitted to Lewis & Clark may find they are eligible for a Sequoia or Oregon Maple scholarship that exceeds the $20,000/year guaranteed minimum!

Precollege Summer Programs