
Dr. Christelrose Rischer Dr. Christelrose Rischer
Ralf Saborrosch Ralf Saborrosch
Greta Weiger

Dr. Bärbel Harju

The organization responsible for the Business German course is the Munich Club for International Relations (Münchner Club für Internationale Beziehungen or MC) working in cooperation with the Year of Study in Munich and the International Office at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich.

Your Team in Munich
Dr. Christelrose Rischer and Ralf Saborrosch are responsible for the direction, conception and realization of the program. Should you have questions or problems during your stay in Munich, they are there to support you. Greta Weiger is also based at the “Studentenstadt”, where the participants live, in order to help you with organizational needs.

Dr. Christelrose Rischer and Dr. Bärbel Harju are responsible for teaching the courses. They are both qualified instructors with many years of teaching experience at both German and American universities.