Fall 2024 Courses

September 3, 2024, to December 11, 2024

POLS 102: Introduction to Comparative Politics
MWF 10:20AM - 11:20AM (Ben Gaskins)

MWF 11:30PM - 12:30PM (Leah Gilbert)

Introduction to the central questions in comparative politics. Fundamental differences in the organization of states, democratic political institutions (presidentialism versus parliamentarianism, for example), and domestic social forces (for example, social capital, ethnic versus nonethnic identities). The impact of political organization on economic performance and social peace.

Prerequisites: None.

POLS 103: Introduction to American Politics
MWF 9:10AM - 10:10AM (Todd Lochner)

The politics of the founding period; interactions within and among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches; the federal division of institutionalized powers; public opinion, interest groups, and political parties; the policy process in areas such as defense, welfare, civil rights and liberties, and international affairs.

Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: None

POLS 201: Research Methods in Political Science
MWF 9:10AM - 10:10AM (Ellen Seljan)

Introduction to the methodological principles and issues in political science research, using readings within and beyond political science. Identifying variables and mechanisms, developing and testing theories, collecting and measuring data, and assessing a study’s ability to achieve causal inference. Introduction to different approaches to research, including experiments, case studies, and regression analysis. Strongly recommended for sophomores or juniors who have declared a POLS major, as this course is a prerequisite for thesis and some senior capstone courses.

Prerequisites: POLS 102 or POLS 201.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.

POLS 301: American Constitutional Law: Equal Protection and Due Process
TTh 9:40AM - 11:10AM (Todd Lochner)

The U.S. Supreme Court and judicial review from 1787 to the present. The court’s landmark constitutional decisions, as well as the theory and techniques of constitutional interpretation. The court’s authority within the wider political and social context of American government, with emphasis on the court’s jurisprudence in the areas of equal protection (including segregation and desegregation, affirmative action, gender discrimination, and sexual orientation discrimination) and due process (including privacy and abortion rights). Discussions of actual Supreme Court rulings, majority opinions, and dissenting arguments, as well as the political and historical context of those decisions in an effort to understand how and why the Supreme Court has played such an influential role in American politics and political thought.

Prerequisites: POLS 103
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required

POLS 310: Pillars of Western Political Thought: Plato to Machiavelli
TTH 01:50PM - 03:20PM (John Holzworth)

Great works of political philosophy from ancient Greece and Rome, early Christianity, and the Renaissance. Themes include the foundations of morality and justice, the role of hierarchy in politics, and the role of politics in cultivating human excellence. Works may include Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War ; Plato’s Apology , Crito , and Republic ; Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Politics ; Augustine’s City of God ; and Machiavelli’s The Prince , among others.

Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.

POLS 318: Civil Society, Politics, and the State
MW 3:00PM - 4:30PM (Leah Gilbert)

Analysis and evaluation of how civil society and social capital have promoted and shaped a variety of outcomes such as democratization and government performance. Students will critically analyze works from diverse regions of the world such as North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia. In-class activities and a semester-long project will step students through the research process on a core concept within the subfield of comparative politics.

Prerequisites: POLS 102.

POLS 351: Presidential Politics
TTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM (Ben Gaskins)

Constitutional foundations and the unfolding of various concepts of executive power throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The dynamics of the presidency and the extent to which one person can be held responsible for expanded responsibilities. The organizational models and practices of 20th-century presidents. Other branches of government examined to illuminate the functioning and malfunctioning of the executive branch.

Restrictions: POLS 103 Recommended.

POLS 400: Senior Thesis 
(Todd Lochner) (Ben Gaskins)

Choosing a definitive topic and narrowing it; developing a research design, doing the research, submitting drafts, revising drafts, polishing final copy. Presenting thesis to political science faculty and seniors for critique, rewrite of thesis. Final form due at end of semester. Normally taken for 2 credits in both fall and spring semesters of senior year for a total of 4 credits. A deferred grade will be issued for the first semester of the yearlong series. When the full sequence is completed, the given grade applies to both semesters.

Prerequisites: POLS 102, POLS 103, POLS 201

Restrictions: Sophmore Standing

POLS 425: Legal Regulation of American Democracy
MW 3:20PM - 4:50PM (Todd Lochner)

The legal regulation of the American political system. The equal protection concept of voting rights, particularly the “one person, one vote” rule and the Voting Rights Act, and federal campaign-finance regulation. Additional topics include the constitutional rights of political parties and the law relating to ballot propositions. Discussion of descriptive and normative issues. This course is taught at the law school.

Prerequisites: POLS 301
Restrictions: Junior standing required