• <a href="/live/image/gid/62/width/650/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.jpg" class="lw_preview_image lw_disable_preview" tabindex="-1"><picture class="lw_image lw_image86681"> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/62/width/500/height/479/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/62/width/500/height/479/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/62/width/500/height/479/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 3x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/62/width/720/height/690/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/62/width/720/height/690/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/62/width/720/height/690/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 3x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/62/width/720/height/690/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg" alt="Students who study BCMB gain a deep understanding of many of science's most fundamental questions. " width="720" height="690" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/62/width/720/height/690/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/62/width/720/height/690/crop/1/86681_DIV-B2-0417-0027.rev.1610668160.jpg 3x" data-max-w="3200" data-max-h="3200" loading="lazy"/> </picture> </a><div class="hero-split_image_caption collapsable-caption"> Students who study BCMB gain a deep understanding of many of science’s most fundamental questions. </div>

Why Choose a Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology?

Our interdisciplinary curriculum will prepare you for careers in biochemical and biomedical research, biotechnology, and genetic engineering, and is ideal for those planning to go on to graduate programs in biochemistry or cell/molecular biology as well as medical, dental, or veterinary schools. We help you develop critical-thinking skills, oral and written communication skills, and a deep understanding of science’s most fundamental questions, all of which is necessary for whatever comes after graduating with your bachelor of arts degree.

What You’ll Study

Our interdisciplinary program provides students with rigorous training in biology and chemistry. The curriculum is built around a core series of courses covering structural and metabolic biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and organic chemistry. These courses provide hands-on training in posing hypotheses, designing experiments to test them, and data analysis. A diversity of elective courses are offered—including medicinal organic chemistry, developmental biology, neurobiology, and behavioral genetics—to let students specialize and pursue their individual interests.

Many of our students earn course credit toward their degree while on an overseas program. In addition to general cultural programs that are open to all students, the Berlin program offers an optional chemistry emphasis with an upper-level biochemistry course as part of the curriculum.

Outside the classroom, students are encouraged to participate in research during the academic year with a faculty member through the Independent Study and/or Senior Research classes. Students may also apply to join a research team and get paid through the Rogers Summer Science Program. Our program also hosts a seminar series that brings scientists to campus to discuss their cutting-edge research.


Complement Your Education With One of These Minors

The most popular minors for our biochemistry and molecular biology majors are data science, health studies, and neuroscience.

What Students Are Saying About Lewis & Clark

  • I think of the liberal arts as a setting in which there is an excellent support system aiding you as perspectives are challenged and changed. It’s exciting, difficult, and rewarding.

    Max Frisbie BA ’22
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Mahtomedi, Minnesota
    More about Max
  • Given my interest in cell/molecular-scale biology, the biochemistry and molecular biology major feels like a match made in heaven. I love that there are lots of lab courses in the major, allowing my education to be more than theoretical.

    Avi Strok BA ’25
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Los Angeles, California
    More about Avi
  • I am continually amazed at what this interdisciplinary degree has to offer. Biochemistry is a continually growing field, and job opportunities after college are ample. This is also a pretty flexible major, and it can open doors for several different pathways after your time at L&C.

    Luke Bass BA ’24
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Chandler, Arizona
    More about Luke

What Can You Do With a Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology?

Our alumni use their bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology to build careers at companies such as Gilead, Genentech, Transcriptic, FEI, and Impossible Foods. Others use their BA to pursue advanced degrees with the goal of becoming practitioners in the health sciences or researchers in biochemistry, molecular biology, or cell biology. Some receive competitive fellowships from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Dedicated Faculty

Our expert professors are your expert mentors. You will learn directly from faculty (no graduate assistants here!) that are nationally recognized in their fields of study and who love to work with and learn from their students. Your professors will inspire you to be a thoughtful and passionate participant in a diverse world. Your small classes will support you as you explore new ideas, find your voice, and speak your truth.

Biochemistry and molecular biology faculty rely on their students to be collaborative researchers in the lab, a rare opportunity for many undergraduates. Students are frequent coauthors on peer-reviewed faculty publications and professional presentations.

Meet the Professors

  • 96% 

    Within six months of graduation, 96% of the Lewis & Clark Classes of 2018–2022 were already changing the world through employment (76%), continuing studies (19%), and service work (1%), like the Peace Corps.

  • Top 

    For the seventh time in 10 years, Lewis & Clark has been named a Fulbright U.S. Student Program Top Producing Institution for 2023–24.

  • 54 

    nationalities represented in our undergraduate student body

  • 10% 

    of our students are from countries other than the U.S.

  • Top 100 

    Lewis & Clark is in the top 100 on U.S. News & World Report’s 2023–24 “Best National Liberal Arts Colleges” list.

Invest in Yourself

A private liberal arts education is often more affordable than you think. Last year, Lewis & Clark distributed over $74 million in assistance from institutional, federal, state, and private sources. Additionally, we’re so confident that our first-year students will graduate with their bachelor of arts degree in four years that if you don’t, we’ll cover the extra semester of tuition.

Find Your People

Students can join a variety of student-run organizations that relate to their biochemistry and molecular biology major, like Math Club, Physics Club, and Pre-Health Club. Don’t see what you’re looking for on the club list? Start something new and build your own community of peers!

Where Lewis & Clark Will Take You

  • Lewis & Clark prepared me for my career by helping me develop a strong work ethic. I learned to wear many hats and balance responsibilities accordingly. My job is very dynamic, and I am grateful to already have the skill set needed to manage different roles and tasks.

    Holly Hale BA ’19
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Stevensville, Montana
    More about Holly
  • The various lab classes I took at Lewis & Clark and my honors senior thesis taught me many skills, including becoming detail oriented, which has been extremely valuable for working in a lab every day.

    Claire Yung BA ’22
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Fremont, California
    More about Claire
  • My classes in biochemistry and molecular biology provided a great foundation for me to take intellectual ownership of the projects I’m working on. Because I understand the logic behind a lot of the experiments, I’m able to offer creative input, which is awesome for a technician position.

    Simran Handa BA ’19
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Mukilteo, Washington
    More about Simran

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