• <a href="/live/image/gid/81/width/650/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.jpg" class="lw_preview_image lw_disable_preview" tabindex="-1"><picture class="lw_image lw_image98060"> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/81/width/500/height/479/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/81/width/500/height/479/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/81/width/500/height/479/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg 3x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg 2x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg" alt="One way for our students to collaborate with faculty is through our annual Rogers Summer Science Research Program." width="720" height="690" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98060_DIV-C5-0622-0013.rev.1678835659.jpg 2x" data-max-w="2131" data-max-h="2127" loading="lazy"/> </picture> </a><div class="hero-split_image_caption collapsable-caption"> One way for our students to collaborate with faculty is through our annual Rogers Summer Science Research Program.</div>
  • <a href="/live/image/gid/81/width/650/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.jpg" class="lw_preview_image lw_disable_preview" tabindex="-1"><picture class="lw_image lw_image98059"> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/81/width/500/height/479/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/81/width/500/height/479/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/81/width/500/height/479/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg 3x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg 2x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg" alt="Students have direct access to their professors—in class, in office hours, and even as coresearchers!" width="720" height="690" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/81/width/720/height/690/crop/1/98059_DIV-C5-0618-0001.rev.1678835569.jpg 2x" data-max-w="2131" data-max-h="2133" loading="lazy"/> </picture> </a><div class="hero-split_image_caption collapsable-caption"> Students have direct access to their professors—in class, in office hours, and even as coresearchers!</div>

Why Choose a Degree in Psychology?

While you build a scientifically rigorous foundation in the psychology discipline, you will also design studies, analyze and interpret data, communicate your findings, and have the opportunity to apply these skills in real-world settings. We believe this active, engaged approach to learning is the best preparation for your life after Lewis & Clark, both as a professional and a scientifically literate citizen.

What You’ll Study

Our psychology curriculum is multidisciplinary, and spans social, clinical, developmental, cognitive, and biological/neuroscientific aspects of the field. We believe in working closely with our students both in the classroom and our laboratories. Undergraduates are deeply involved in our research programs exploring the psychology of health-related behaviors, the neuropsychology of bilingualism, the use of technology to teach coding concepts to children, the social construction of depictions of mental illness, and many other topics.

Outside the classroom, psychology students often complete off-campus internships and practica at a variety of relevant agencies and organizations. Many of our students study overseas. In addition to general cultural programs that are open to all students, there are programs designed and led by psychology faculty to Australia and Ireland, in which students gain credit toward their psychology degree and gain valuable internship experience.


Complement Your Education With One of These Minors

The most popular minors for our psychology majors are: neuroscience, gender studies, or ethnic studies.

What Students Are Saying About Lewis & Clark

  • Delving into the intricacies of human behavior and societal dynamics through psychology is what truly captivates me. The unraveling of the subtle mechanisms that govern our thoughts and actions is endlessly fascinating.

    Nadav Ben-David BA ’25
    Psychology | Middle East and North African Studies | Sunnyvale, California
    More about Nadav
  • Being a psychology major is something that I knew I wanted to major in from the start, and it remained this way as I’ve continued through L&C.

    Savannah Bishop BA ’25
    Psychology | Political Science | Portland and Bend, Oregon; Budapest, Hungary; Accra, Ghana
    More about Savannah
  • Lewis & Clark provides everything for the best education: smaller class sizes, caring professors at the top of their field, and a community to find your place.

    Marissa Marquez BA ’19
    Psychology | LaVerne, California
    More about Marissa

What Can You Do With a Degree in Psychology

Our alumni use their BA in psychology in a variety of careers in research, clinical work, social services, teaching, and the health professions, while others go on to earn their master’s and doctoral degrees. Many also utilize the problem solving, statistical, writing, organizational, and public speaking skills they learned at Lewis & Clark in fields not directly related to psychology.

Dedicated Faculty

Our expert professors are your expert mentors. You will learn directly from faculty (no graduate assistants here!) that are nationally recognized in their fields of study who love to work with and learn from their students. Your professors will inspire you to be a thoughtful and passionate participant in a diverse world. Your small classes will support you as you explore new ideas, find your voice, and speak your truth.

Psychology faculty rely on their students to be collaborative researchers in the lab, a rare opportunity for many undergraduate students. Students are frequent coauthors on peer-reviewed faculty publications and professional presentations.

Meet the Professors

  • Top 

    Lewis & Clark earned a spot on Princeton Review’s 2024 “Best Colleges” list.

  • 12:1 

    Lewis & Clark College has a student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1.

  • 19 

    Average class size for undergraduate students

  • 125 

    of our undergraduate students are Third Culture Kids.

  • 29+33 

    Lewis & Clark offers 29 majors and 33 minors.

Invest in Yourself

A private, liberal arts education is often more affordable than you think. Last year, Lewis & Clark distributed over $74 million in assistance from institutional, federal, state, and private sources. Additionally, we’re so confident that first-year students will graduate in four years that if you don’t, we’ll cover the extra semester of tuition.

Find Your People

Our student-led Psychology Club organizes symposia, lectures, and social events. In April 2021, Noam Chomsky presented a Q&A via Zoom on linguistics and the cognitive revolution!

Where Lewis & Clark Will Take You

  • L&C taught me the critical thinking and analytical skills that I have needed in order to devise creative solutions to problems in both my personal and professional life. The ability to pull from many areas of study and make connections between multiple disciplines is invaluable in my field.

    Hanna Lyubinina BA ’19
    Computer Science and Mathematics and Psychology (double) | Concord, California
    More about Hanna
  • My liberal arts education taught me to think critically from multiple perspectives. This skill has been invaluable to me ever since.

    Marjorie Pichon BA ’14
    Psychology | Rhetoric and Media Studies | Seattle, Washington
    More about Marjorie
  • Besides the actual information I learned in class, I learned how to interact with people in my field and how to adapt to change.

    Haley Perry BA ’18
    Biology and Psychology (double) | Denver, Colorado
    More about Haley

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