You are encouraged to review the Policy section of the College Catalog to be sure that you understand policies associated with the use of the forms below.
Please note: Most forms are provided as either a google form, or as a fillable PDF.
For PDF format, be sure to download the form first as a PDF and then you should be able to use the fill feature.
Academic Planning Worksheet (Academic Plan)
You can find academic planning worksheets on the College Advising Center’s website. Be sure to choose the correct year. This form must also accompany petitions.
Add/Drop/ forms
Please note all regular add/drop transactions are done via WebAdvisor. Additional information can be found here. Non-standard registration may require a PDF form either in addition to, or in place of, web registration. Please complete the form including (appropriate approval approvals) and submit the form to the Registrar’s Office before 4pm on the last day of the add/drop period. (We strongly urge you to complete such forms in the first week of classes!) Such registration may include:
- Independent Study (google form)
- Internship (google form)
- Overload (google form) Please note that students are not allowed to overload in their first semester
- Time conflicts (PDF form) Please note that freshmen are not allowed to register for courses with time conflicts
See the ADD/DROP web page for more information.
Use this form to change your address or the address of your parent(s)/guardian(s). Please note that you must have an LC email address to complete this form. (If you are no longer a student at LC, please contact and we will provide a PDF form.)
Academic Scheduling Worksheet
Assists you in planning your schedule using approved time periods
Appeal of Academic Standing after Resolution of Incomplete Grades
PDF form - Use this form to appeal your academic standing or credit progress status after you have resolved your incomplete grades. Must be submitted within two weeks of the expiration date of your last incomplete grade.
Course Substitution (google form)
Apply non-standard courses to the major/minor.
Course Withdrawal (google form) Not available after the 10th week of classes (4th week of summer sessions)
Withdraw from one or more courses after the add/drop period has ended. (Note - to withdraw from all courses after a semester has begun, see the Leave of Absence or Withdrawal web page.)
Credit/No Credit Grading Option
See grading option below.
Declare a Major/Minor (google form)
Students must declare a major by the time they have earned 45 or more credits.
Diploma Replacement Request (Requires physical signature and may require notarization.)
Diplomas that have been damaged or lost may be replaced. Please note that if you make your request in person, you will need to provide photo-ID. If you do not make your request in person, the form will need to be notarized.
Emergency Contact Information - How to Update or Confirm
Directions for updating your Emergency Contact Information before registering.
Enrollment Verification or other type of Verification Request (Requires physical signature.)
A Standard Enrollment Verification is an official printed form that includes the student’s name, address, DOB, student ID number, semester dates, # of credits, full or part time status, major, start term & class level. It is signed by the Registrar and has the official college seal.
This request form may also be used to request that we complete other forms, and/or provide a letter on College letterhead.
FERPA - Student Release of Information
See Release of Educational Record Information below
GPA - Calculate your GPA
Explanation of how to calculate your GPA and a link to an on-line calculator
Grading Option - Credit/No Credit (google form)
Please carefully read the restrictions. Courses taken under the Credit/No Credit grading option cannot fulfill general education requirements, and may not be able to be applied to major/minor requirements for some programs. Not available for all courses.
Graduation Application - detailed instructions
Detailed, step by step instructions for completing the graduation application.
Independent Study / Directed Study Learning Agreement
Two part learning agreement. The student completes one form, and the sponsoring faculty member completes one form. The learning agreement forms must be completed by all parties, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to 4pm on the last day of the add/drop period. We strongly recommend completing these forms before the semester during priority registration or during the first week of add/drop.
Internship / Practicum Learning Agreement
Two or three part learning agreement. The student completes one form, and the sponsoring faculty member completes one form. If there is a separate site supervisor, the site supervisor completes a form. The learning agreement forms must be completed by all parties, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to 4pm on the last day of the add/drop period. We strongly recommend completing these forms before the semester during priority registration or during the first week of add/drop.
Leave of Absence
This link will direct you to a page with information about leaves of all types and the form for a leave of absence
Major/Minor Declaration - see Declare a Major/Minor above
Links to forms for both the chosen (preferred) name and pronouns, or to record legal name and/or legal sex update
Non-Lewis & Clark Study Abroad Transfer Credit Application
If you intend to participate in a study abroad program that is offered by another institution, you should apply to be allowed to use that credit at LC. Please note that it is in your best interest to submit this application prior to your trip departure.
In addition, it is highly recommended that you review Transfer Credit policies contained in the Catalog to be sure that you understand if and how transfer credit from overseas may be evaluated and applied to your LC degree.
Overload form (google form)
Use this form to overload up to 21 credits. Form is only available during the add/drop period and must be submitted before 4pm on last day of the add/drop period. Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.000 and the approval of the advisor. (First semester students are not allowed to overload.)
Petition forms
A petition form may be used to request exceptions to policy. Decisions made by the Subcommittee on Petitions, Appeals and Student Designed Majors are final.
Release of Educational Record Information (Requires physical signature.)
Allows you to authorize the college to release limited or unlimited educational information to family members or others. Do not use this form for recommendations.
Release of Educational Records for Recommendations (Requires physical signature.)
Allows faculty or staff members to provide recommendations for employment, professional organizations, scholarships,and academic programs such as graduate school.
Students may also allow individual faculty members access to their transcripts for a limited time to help them complete recommendations. Use the “Grant Access to My Academic Records” link on WebAdvisor (under the “Academic Profile” menu).
Time Conflicts (google form)
Attendance and class participation are important both for successful completion of coursework, and also for class dynamics that depend on involved interaction. Registering for courses with time conflicts is discouraged for all students, and is not allowed for freshmen.
Transcript Ordering
Information about ordering transcripts and link to our ordering service.
Under-load Form (google form)
Allows the student to be charged at the per-credit rate if registered for less than full time enrollment. Must be filed before the end of the add/drop period.
VA Benefit Information
Information for our service members, veterans and their family members.
CAS Registrar is located in Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 108
voice 503-768-7335
Registrar of the College of Arts and Sciences Judy Finch
CAS Registrar
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219