Sexual Orientation

Community Resources

Level 1 Introduction 

What is the difference between Gender & Sexuality? - VIDEO

What is Sexual Orientation? ARTICLE

LGBTQ+ Vocabulary 101 - WEBPAGE

LGBTQ+ Stereotypes - WEBPAGE

Level 2 Diving Deeper

Thinking Beyond Western Forms of Queerness - VIDEO

Coming Out for Queer & Trans People of Color - ARTICLE

The Myth of the “Queer Agenda” - VIDEO

Heterosexism - VIDEO

Level 3 Critical Issues 

Perspectives on Queerness & Mental Health - ARTICLE

Race & Queerness - VIDEO

Overlooked Origins of the LGBTQ+ Movement - ARTICLE


Reflection Questions
  • Where/ when did you first learn about sexual orientation? After using these resources, how might you approach engaging with topics on sexual orientation differently in the future? 
  • Reflect and list 3 ways in which heterosexism has been highlighted and reinforced in our communities? Friend groups? Families? What kind of harm do they think they might caused? 
  • What questions do you still have regarding sexual orientation? How will you work towards learning more about issues regarding sexual orientation? 
  • After utilizing the resources, should we be focusing more on the relationship between sexual orientation and race? If not, why not? If yes, what do you believe are benefits to understanding this dynamic?
  • What surprised you the most after reading through these resources? Why was it surprising?