
Paul T. Allen

Associate Professor of Mathematics
BoDine 306

Katharina Altpeter-Jones

Associate Professor of German Language and Literature, German Section Head
Miller Center for the Humanities 328
Office Hours:

Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00-11:00am // or by appointment all day Thursdays 

Lyell Asher

Associate Professor of English
Renaissance English Literature, Shakespeare
Miller 426
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:30-1 and by appointment.


Therese Augst

Chair, World Languages and Literatures and Associate Professor of German Studies
Miller Center for the Humanities 327
Office Hours:

Mondays 3:00-4:00pm  // Thursdays 1:00-12:00pm // or by appointment

Sepideh Bajracharya

Assistant Professor of Anthropology with Term
JR Howard 345
Office Hours:

By Appointment (email:

Barbara Balko

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Olin 225 225
Clifford Bekar

Clifford Bekar

Associate Professor of Economics
John R. Howard 321
Elizabeth Bennett Headshot

Elizabeth A. Bennett

Sustainability, economic global governance, international business and public policy, global supply chains, business and human rights, fair trade, voluntary sustainability certifications, social entrepreneurship, labor/social/environmental justice, international political economy
Howard Hall 310
Anne Bentley

Anne Bentley

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Olin 221 221

Andrew Bernstein

Professor of History
Japanese history, Environmental History
Miller Center 427
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 11:30-1, and by appointment.

Greta Binfod

Greta Binford

Professor of biology
Biology-Psychology 224
Pamplin Installation portrait

Moriah B. Bostian

Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Professor of Economics and Chair of Economics
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Econometrics, Productivity Analysis
J.R. Howard Hall 324

Philippe Brand

Associate Professor of French
Miller Center for the Humanities 308
Office Hours:

Mondays 3:00-4:00p // Tuesdays 2:00-3:00pm // Wednesdays 3:00-4:00pm // or by appointment

Appointment link:

Kimberly Brodkin

Director of Gender Studies Symposium, Director of Ray Warren Symposium on Race and Ethnic Studies, Associate Professor with Term of Humanities
Miller Center 418
Tracy Burkhard

Tracy Burkhard

Assistant professor of biology
Biology-Psychology 211

Maryann Bylander

Associate Professor of Sociology
Migration, Development, Debt/Indebtedness, Microfinance
JR Howard 365
Office Hours:

Overseas SP24

David Campion

Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Associate Professor of History
Modern Britain & Ireland, British Empire, South Asia
Miller Center 409
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Mondays & Wednesdays 1-4pm, and by appointment.

Suparna Chaudhry

Suparna Chaudhry

Assistant Professor of International Affairs
Human Rights, International Law, Non-Governmental Organizations and Transnational Advocacy Networks, Political Violence, South Asian Politics
JR Howard 306

Yung-Pin Chen

Professor of Statistics
Markov processes; adaptive clinical trials; Ehrenfest urn models
BoDine 308

Kundai Chirindo

Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies, Department Chair, Director of General Education
JRH 361
Office Hours:

M 10-11am; T/Th 1-2pm (via email or the link provided in syllabi)

Rachel Cole

Associate Professor of English
American Literature
Miller 413
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-5pm & by appointment.

Ben in the hometown of Francesca da Rimini

Benjamin David

Associate Professor of Art History
Fields Center 210
Office Hours:

Mondays- 11:30-12:30pm
Thursdays- 11:30-12:30pm
By appointment

Julio C. de Paula

Professor of Chemistry
Physical chemistry, environmental chemistry, nanoscience, chemical education.
Olin 219 219

Keith Dede

Professor of Chinese
Miller Center for the Humanities 307
Office Hours:

Tuesday 1:45-2:45 // Wednesday 10-11 // or by appointment

Isabelle DeMarte

Associate Professor of French, French Section Head
Miller Center for the Humanities 306
Office Hours:

Zoom Off Hrs & Advising : Tuesdays 3:00pm-5:00pm Miller 306

Off Hrs & Advising : Wednesdays 3:00pm-5:00pm

Email me at to make an appointment at a different time

Brian Detweiler-Bedell

Professor of Psychology
BoDine 210

Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell

Professor of Psychology
Biology-Psychology 235

Susan DeWitt Smith

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Music; Director of Piano
Evans Center 125
Kim is smiling with the coastline behind her just in sight

Kim Cameron Dominguez

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Black Diaspora
JR Howard 363
Office Hours:

Tuesdays from 1-2pm and Wednesdays from 10-11am

Peter D.

Peter Drake

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Data science, machine learning, software development
BoDine 307
Joel W. Fisher

Joel W Fisher

Associate Professor of Art, Studio Head of Photography
Fields Center 306
Office Hours:

Tuesdays and Thursdays- 11:40-12:40pm

Wednesdays- by appointment

Katherine FitzGibbon

Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities
Evans Center 18

Kurt Fosso

Professor of English
British Romanticism, Literary Theory, Animal Studies
Miller 428
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Leading the England Abroad Program; returning Spring 2025 semester.

J.M. Fritzman

Associate Professor of Philosophy
John R. Howard Hall 223
Office Hours:

MWF 10:30a - 12:00p & M 3-4p

Or by appointment on TTH on Zoom

Kristin Fujie

Associate Professor of English and Department Chair
20th-century American Literature
Miller 411
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays 10-12 & Thursdays 12-2 (Google calendar sign-up required). Drop-in hours are Tuesdays 12-1 or by emailing to arrange.

Nancy O. Gallman

Assistant Professor of History
Early North America, Borderlands, Law
Miller Center 407
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Mondays and Wednesdays 1-2:30 & 4:45-5:15 by appointment.

Leah Gilbert

Leah E. Gilbert

Associate Professor of Political Science and Department Chair
Comparative Politics
John R. Howard Hall 329
Office Hours:

Friday in person 9:00 am - 10:30 am, Zoom 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, & by appointment 

Daena J. Goldsmith

Professor of Rhetoric & Media Studies
JRH 370
Office Hours:

Wed 12:45 - 1:45pm in JRHH 370

Jean-Philippe Gourdine

Jean-Philippe Gourdine

Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Olin 223 223

Karen Gross

Professor of English
Medieval Literature, History of the Book
Miller 408
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays 12-3 and by appointment. 

Please sign up via Google Appointment calendar.

Jerry Harp

Associate Professor with Term of the Humanities
Renaissance Literature, Contemporary Poetry, Poetry Writing
Miller 417
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays 1-3 & by appointment.

Maureen Healy

Associate Professor of History
Modern Europe
Miller Center 406
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-1:30, and by appointment.

Greg Hermann

Professor of biology
Biology-Psychology 226

Reiko Hillyer

Associate Professor of History and Department Chair, Director of Ethnic Studies
U.S. South, African American History, the built environment, prison studies.
Miller Center 410
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Wednesdays 9-12 and by appointment. 

Jennifer stands against a backdrop of trees smiling

Jennifer Hubbert

Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies
JR Howard 364
Office Hours:

Monday 10 - 11:15am, Wednesday 4:45 - 5:45pm, or by appointment 

Lance Inouye

Associate Professor of Music, Director of Orchestral Activities
Evans Center 19

Michael Johanson

Professor of Music, Director of Composition and Music Theory
Evans Music Center 12

Matthew Johnston

Associate Professor of Art History
Fields Center 208
Office Hours:

Monday- 10:30-12:00pm
Wednesday- 10:30-12:00pm

Sidra is smiling in front of a wooden background

Sidra Kamran

Assistant Professor of Sociology
Gender and Sexuality, Labor, Social Class, Feminist Theory, Digital Culture, Pakistan, South Asia
JRH 350
Office Hours:

Tues & Thurs 10:15 - 11:15 am or by appointment

Gordon Kelly

Associate Professor with term in Classics and Chair of the Classics Program
Latin and Greek language and literature, Roman and Greek history
John R. Howard Hall 225
Office Hours:

MWF 11:30am-12:30pm & T 9-10am
Or by appointment

Jessica Kleiss

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Director of Environmental Studies Program
Albany Quadrangle 104A
Office Hours:

Office hour calendar

Photo of Melanie smiling in front of flowers

Melanie Kohnen

Associate Professor of Rhetoric & Media Studies
JRH 368
Office Hours:

Mon 4:30-5:15pm and Tues 3:30-4:30pm (click here to schedule an appointment)

Oren Kosansky

Associate Professor of Anthropology
JR Howard 366
Office Hours:

Tues 2:00 - 3:00, Wed 1:30 - 2:30pm, or by appointment

Rob Kugler

Robert Kugler

Paul S. Wright Professor of Christian Studies
Jewish and Christian origins, Dead Sea Scrolls, early Jewish literature, papyrology, Jews in Hellenistic Egypt
John R. Howard Hall 221
Office Hours:

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 2:00PM - 2:30PM
Or by appointment

Louis Kuo

Professor of Chemistry and Department Chair
Olin 216B 216B

Jennifer LaBounty

Associate Professor of Psychology
Developmental Psychology
BoDine 211

Kyle M. Lascurettes

Associate Professor of International Affairs
International Relations Theory, Global Order & Global Governance, International Organizations, Security Studies
Howard Hall 312
503-768-7746 (email best)
Office Hours:

By appointment (schedule here)

Dr. Leonard wearing a hat and scarf, holding a cup of coffee

Diana J Leonard

Associate Professor of Psychology and Department Chair
Biology-Psychology 240
Rebecca Lingafelter

Rebecca Lingafelter

Associate Professor of Theatre/Department Chair
Fir Acres Theatre 103
Todd Lochner

Todd Lochner

Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Professor of Government
John R. Howard Hall 332
Office Hours:

Monday 10:15AM - 12:15PM, Tuesday 11:30AM - 1:30PM, & by appointment 

Niko Loening

Nikolaus Loening

Professor of Chemistry
Olin 217 217
Jens Mache

Jens Mache

Professor of Computer Science
BoDine 309

Bob Mandel

Professor of International Affairs, Chair of International Affairs, and Marc Messina Chair
Global Security and Strategic Studies, Conflict and Warfare, Global Resource Issues, and Psychological Aspects of International Relations
Howard Hall 304

Joel Martinez

Department Chair of Philosophy and Associate Professor of Philosophy
John R. Howard Hall 231
Office Hours:

MWF 9:10am - 10:10am

Or by appointment

Aine Seitz McCarthy

Associate Professor of Economics
Economic Development, Health Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Demography, Econometrics
John R. Howard 325
Margaret Metz

Margaret Metz

Associate professor of biology
Biology-Psychology 221

Susanna Morrill

Associate Professor of Religious Studies
John R. Howard Hall 228
2019 Graduation with Grad from Australia Overseas Trip!

Erik Nilsen

Associate Professor of Psychology
Biology-Psychology 236
Dawn Odell

Dawn Odell

Professor of Art History
Fields Center 307
Office Hours:

Mondays- 9:00-1:00am
Thursdays- 5:30-6:30pm

Portrait of Jay Odenbaugh by Nina Johnson

Jay Odenbaugh

James F. Miller Professor of Humanities
Philosophy of biology, environmental philosophy, philosophy of psychology
John R. Howard Hall 230
Office Hours:

TTH 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Or by appointment on Zoom

Ben Olsen

Ben Olsen

Assistant Professor of Physics
Olin 235
Jess Perlitz

Jess Perlitz

Associate Professor of Art, Studio Head of Sculpture, Department Chair
Fields Center 308
Office Hours:

Tuesdays- 10:00-12:00pm

profile pic for Bruce

Bruce Podobnik

Associate Professor of Sociology
JR Howard 362
Office Hours:

Mondays and Thursdays 3-4pm; Students should sign up on my online calendar, which can be found by running an internet search on Bruce Podobnik homepage.

Paul Powers

Professor of Religious Studies
John R. Howard Hall 222

Will Pritchard

Associate Professor of English
17th/18th Century British Literature
Miller 412
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Mondays 3-4:30, Tuesdays 3-5, & Thursdays 12-2 by appointment only.


James D. Proctor

Professor of Environmental Studies
Albany Quadrangle 104C
Office Hours:

Office hour calendar

Kayla Puente

Kayla Puente

Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology
Biology Psychology 243

Magalí Rabasa

Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, Director of Ethnic Studies
Miller Center for the Humanities 309

Alana Rader

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
Albany Quadrangle 104B
Matthieu P. Raillard

Matthieu P. Raillard

Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Eighteenth-Century Spanish Literature
Miller Center for the Humanities 311
Office Hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays: 10:20-11:20am // On Zoom by appointment



Mitch Reyes

Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies
JRH 367
Office Hours:

T/Th 11:15-12:45

Molly Robinson

Associate Professor of French
French literature of the Middle Ages and of the 19th century
Miller Center for the Humanities 326
Office Hours:

On leave. Please email for questions or appointments.

Jolina Ruckert

Jolina Ruckert

Assistant Professor with Term
Sustainability Psychology
BoDine 214

Elizabeth Safran

Associate Professor of Geological Science and Director of Earth System Science Minor
Albany Quadrangle 104F
Office Hours:

Office hour calendar

Bethe Scalettar

Professor of Physics
Olin 231

Tom Schoeneman

Professor of Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Biology-Psychology 202
Image of Bryan Sebok

Bryan Sebok

Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies
JRH 369
Office Hours:

On sabbatical SP24


Nicole Seisler

Assistant Professor of Ceramics
Fields Center for the Arts Fields 102A
Office Hours:

Mondays- 1:00-4:00pm

Ellen Seljan

Ellen Seljan

Professor of Political Science
John R. Howard Hall 331
Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:15AM - 11:15AM, 12:35PM - 1:15PM, & by appointment 

Štĕpán Šimek

Professor of Theatre
Fir Acres Theatre 104

Liz Stanhope

Professor of Mathematics, Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Spectral geometry; Spectral graph theory; Math education
Bodine 302

Jessica Starling

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Japanese Religions
John R. Howard Hall 233
Office Hours:

Tuesdays 1:30PM - 3:30PM, Fridays 12:00PM - 1:00PM
And by Google Calendar appointment


Iva Stavrov

Professor of Mathematics
BoDine 305
Bruce Suttmeier, Dean of the College, Associate Professor of Japanese

Bruce Suttmeier

Dean of the College, Associate Professor of Japanese
Postwar Japanese Fiction
Albany Quadrangle 201
Office Hours:

Thursday, 9-10 am (in Dovecote Cafe) or by appt.

Mary Szybist

Morgan S. Odell Professor of Humanities
Poetry Writing
Miller 429
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Returning Spring 2025.

Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo

Director of Latin American and Latino Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies
Miller Center for the Humanities 310
Office Hours:

Tuesdays 9:30 to 11:30

Cara Tomlinson

Cara Tomlinson

Associate Professor of Art, Studio Head of Painting
Fields Center 303
Office Hours:
Mondays-4-5pm (by appointment)
Tuesdays-3:15-4:30 (by appointment)
Thursdays-3:15-4:30 drop in
Sharon Torigoe

Sharon Torigoe

Assistant professor of biology
Biology-Psychology 218

Pauls Toutonghi

Professor of English
Fiction and Creative Nonfiction Writing
Miller 425
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Available by appointment over Zoom.

Stephen Tufte

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Physics
Olin 233 233

Eric Tymoigne

Associate Professor of Economics
John R. Howard 323
   Norma Velazquez

Norma Velazquez-Ulloa

Associate professor of biology
Co-Chair Neuroscience Program
Biology-Psychology 220

Freddy Vilches

Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, Section Head Hispanic Studies
Miller Center for the Humanities 312
Office Hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays 11:30-12:30pm // Tuesdays 11:00-1:00pm

Sarah Warren

Associate Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies, SOAN Department Chair
JR Howard 372
Office Hours:

Monday 1:50-2:50 in person, Tuesday 2-3 pm on zoom, and by appointment. Students can email me for a link to my calendar for the zoom office hours.

Todd Watson

Todd Watson

Associate Professor of Psychology
Co-Chair Neuroscience Program
Biology-Psychology 239
Tamily Weissman

Tamily Weissman-Unni

Professor of Biology and Department Chair
Biology-Psychology 222

Amelia Wilcox

Assistant Professor with Term of Psychology - Retired

Elliott Young

Professor of History
Latin America
Miller Center 424
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Wednesdays 9-12 and by appointment.

Yueping Zhang

Associate Professor of Psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience
Biology-Psychology 232

Rishona Zimring

Professor of English, Director of Gender Studies
British and Irish Modernism, Postcolonial Literature, Literature and Visual/Performing Arts
Miller 423
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-2, and by appointment.