Petition for Late Course Withdrawal

The Purpose of this Petition Form

This form is intended for only one type of petition – a request to withdraw from one or more (but not all) courses after the 10th week of a semester.*  (If you have other petition matters, please see information on the Registrar’s Website regarding the Petition for Modification of Academic Requirements.)

A link to the petition form can be found at the bottom of this page. Please carefully review the information below before submitting a petition.

If you intend to withdraw from all courses, please see the Registrar’s Office regarding a complete Semester Withdrawal. This petition form is not for use when completing a semester withdrawal.

What is the difference between a Course Withdrawal and a Semester Withdrawal?

Course withdrawal refers to a student withdrawing from a single course, or perhaps several courses, but still remaining enrolled in at least one course for the full semester. 

Semester withdrawal refers to a student withdrawing from all courses during the semester. Students who need to withdraw from all registered courses may do so at any time before final exams, by contacting the Registrar’s Office. Instructor consent is not required. Please see information on the Leave of Absence or Withdrawal website.

When is the petition form due?

The student must submit the completed form, rationale and documentation to the Registrar’s Office no later than the Friday before the last week of classes. (The last week of classes is the week preceding the final exam period.) This form will not be accepted after the last week of classes begins.

How is the petition evaluated?

Your petition will be reviewed to determine whether an extenuating circumstance and significant need exists that would present a compelling reason to grant an exception to the withdrawal deadline. Single course withdrawals after the 10th week are not considered unless there is a documented personal or medical reason that necessitates withdrawal from some, but not all courses. 

Modifications are not typically granted unless the following criteria are met:

  • An acute circumstance occurred after the withdrawal deadline
  • A significant need exists
  • Documentation that is pertinent to the matter is included with the petition
  • The Subcommittee believes the exception is in the best interest of the student and will not harm the College or the value of the degree

Examples of extenuating circumstances and need:

A student must attend an outpatient program on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but could continue attending MWF classes.

A student suffered a fractured leg after the 10th week and wishes to withdraw from a Physical Education course in which use of the leg is required.

What matters are not appropriate for a petition?

The petition process is not intended to be used unless there is a significant event that occurred after the withdrawal deadline. Poor performance due to time management concerns, procrastination, lack of attendance or inability to successfully complete the coursework are not mitigating factors in isolation.

Who hears academic petition matters?

The Subcommittee on Petitions, Appeals and Student Designed Majors is a subgroup of the faculty members currently serving on the Curriculum Committee. Upon the request of the petitioning student, the student member of the Curriculum Committee may join the Petitions Committee for the hearing of petitions. (Please note that the student representative is not available in the summer semester and may not be available at all times during the academic year.)

The task of the Petitions Committee is to ensure that exceptions to the regulations are granted only after careful consideration of all the facts and the student’s academic record, and that decisions are made with consistency and fairness. (Please note that policies involving curricular matters such as General Education may not be granted exceptions via the petitions process.) 

Decisions of the Committee are final.

Talk to your Advisor first!

While an Advisor’s signature is not required for this form, students are encouraged to speak with an advisor before petitioning to withdraw from a course after the deadline.


  1. The google form will request information about your reason for asking for exception to policy.
  2. The student should obtain necessary documentation and submit it with the completed petition.  If you have non-medical documentation to submit, please send it directly to the Registrar at In her absence, you can send the documentation to the Associate Registrar at  If you have medical documentation that you do not wish to share directly with the committee, you may send that documentation to the Office of Student Accessibility or other appropriate campus health office. That office will substantiate for the committee that appropriate documentation has been received by the college.
  3. The completed petition, rationale and documentation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office no later than the Friday before the last week of classes. (The last week of classes is the week preceding the final exam period.) Please note that this form will not be accepted after the last week of classes begins. 
  4. The completed petition and supporting documentation will be submitted to the subcommittee by the Registrar. The Registrar shall attend the subcommittee deliberations in an ex-officio capacity. 
  5. The Registrar will notify the student of the Committee’s decision by email. Students should continue attend all of their courses until the decision is received.

The decision of the faculty committee is final. 

Petition Forms:

Petition: Withdrawing from individual course(s) after the withdrawal deadline


* Note that dates are compressed for Summer Sessions. See the Academic Calendar for the Summer Sessions withdrawal deadline.