Faculty Permissions

The Faculty Permissions Tab in Self Service allows you to waive prerequisites for an individual student for a specific course section, or to provide Instructor Consent and/or override restrictions for an individual student for a specific course section.


Requisites are courses that must be taken prior to registering for a given course, or concurrently with the course.

You have the ability to override a required prerequisite, or to override a course that must be taken previously or concurrently.  Using this option waives ALL prerequisites for the course – you can’t choose just one.

You do not have the ability to waive courses that are always required to be taken concurrently (such as a required concurrent lab course).

Instructions - summary text

Instructions - with screenshots


Instructor consent is required for some courses - thesis or honors courses, Inside/Out courses or others.

Restrictions are requirements such as Junior Standing or requirements that the student have a specific major, etc. (A course may have multiple restrictions, or may require both instructor consent AND that the student meet listed restrictions.)

Using this option waives ALL required consent and/or restrictions. You do not have the ability to choose individual restrictions, or to waive consent but not restrictions.

Instructions - summary text

Instructions - with screenshots


In the unusual event that you need to override both prerequisites and restrictions/consent, you will need to complete both processes for a given student.