Our Mascot: A Community Engagement Process
Update: Thank you for your input on the survey and your participation in the process. The Mascot Steering Committee has wrapped up its work and submitted a final report to the President. An update is expected in early fall. Thanks again!
Does the mascot name “Pioneers” represent the values of our community?
It’s a question that has come up more frequently among the campus community in recent years. Because this is a topic that deserves thoughtful attention and serious consideration, the college initiated campus dialogues about the mascot last spring.
President Holmes-Sullivan has now tasked a steering committee with leading a thorough process to engage our community in a conversation around the Pioneer mascot and our values, and to collect feedback to inform a path forward.
You are invited to participate in this process. Members of the community will have several ways to engage in reflection through participation in Community Dialogue sessions in October and November, and to provide input through mechanisms such as an online survey. The steering committee will collect feedback and present an informed recommendation to President Holmes-Sullivan in Spring 2024 about whether to retain the Pioneers mascot and, if not, what a new mascot might be.
The earliest use of “Pioneers” as the college mascot is in 1942, per the Watzek Library archives. On October 13, 1942, three weeks after classes began, a five-page student newspaper, entitled “First Edition,” announced that the name of the new newspaper was to be chosen by student vote. The editors wrote, “The name chosen has to be the choice of a plurality of the students, and we want the name to be good.” Suggested names included The Pioneer, The Trail-Blazer, The Pathfinder, and The Explorer. The third issue, November 13, bore the name “Lewis & Clark College Pioneer Log,” which was apparently the name chosen by students. Lewis & Clark sports teams then began using the Pioneer name, with the new Lewis & Clark Pioneers football team adopting the name in 1946. (The previous football team, at Albany College until 1938, had been the “Pirates.”) Since at least 1946, Pioneers has been in regular use in college publications, athletics, and other contexts.
Fall Semester
L&C community members are invited to participate in Community Dialogues and to offer input through various mechanisms.
September 29, 2023: Letter by President Holmes-Sullivan
Spring Semester
January 17 - February 7: Launch online survey.
March-April: The steering committee members will meet regularly to review and discuss the survey results. We expect to have a report with survey data and recommendations to President Holmes-Sullivan by the end of the Spring semester.
January 11 , 2024: Pioneers Mascot Survey: Your Input Requested by Feb. 7
- Anne Bentley, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Faculty Athletic Representative
- Janet Bixby, Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Director of Community Dialogues
- Joe Bushman, Head Football Coach
- Megan Bryant-Tiktin, Law Student Bar Association President
- CJ Cabungcal, Graduate School of Education Student
- Rocky Campbell ’00, Associate Vice President of Student Engagement and Experiential Learning
- Evette Castillo Clark, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, Chair
- Alex Chapelle, CAS, Associated Student Body President
- Lori Friedman, Vice President of Communications
- Stephen LeBoutillier ’00, Alumni and Assistant Vice President for Engagement
- Lois Leveen, Director of Public Relations
- Read McFaddin, Assistant Director of Institutional Research
- Rafe McCullough, Associate Professor of Counseling, Therapy, and School Psychology
- John Parry, Associate Dean of Faculty of the Law School
- Mark Pietrok, Director of Athletics and Physical Education
- David Reese, Vice President, General Counsel, Chief of Staff and Board Secretary
- Jim Spencer ’85, Alumni and Member of Board of Trustees
- Terry Supahan ’81, Alumni and Member of President’s Native American Advisory Committee
- Danielle Torres, Dean of Equity and Inclusion
- Norma Velazquez Ulloa, Associate Professor of Biology
- Joann Zhang, Director of Inclusion & Multicultural Engagement
Isn’t our mascot a Newfoundland dog?
- The Newfoundland dog is a logo that was adopted in 2008. It is separate from the Pioneers name and mascot.
Are we also going to talk about changing the name of the college as part of this process?
- No. There are no plans to change the name of the College. Although we acknowledge that there are strong feelings and a wide variety of perspectives on this question, the focus of this process is on the common values we hold as a college and whether the Pioneers as a symbol and mascot reflects and embodies those values.
Who makes the decision about the mascot?
- The Steering Committee will oversee the process with the goal of making a recommendation to the President. The President, in consultation with members of the leadership team, can approve a change to the mascot.
In what ways can I give input and how will it be shared? Or what is the process of feedback?
- All campus community members, including alumni, will be invited to provide feedback. The Steering Committee has been charged with developing an inclusive process. At a minimum, that process will include Community Dialogues in October and November and a broad community survey in November and December. In addition, comments can always be submitted by email to: mascot@lclark.edu.
To ask questions, reach out to the Steering Committee at: mascot@lclark.edu.
Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students is located in East Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 102
email vpsl@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-7110
Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students
Dr. Evette Castillo Clark
Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219