Alex Wally

I liked the idea that I wasn’t just going to be a number here. L&C’s professors and the institution make sure you are supported throughout your four years.

Alex Wally BA '23



Degree and Class Year

BA ’23


Seattle, Washington




Intramural sports

Overseas study

London Humanities, Fall 2022

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Creative, Mossy, Tight-knit

What’s your favorite class? Why?

Abnormal Psychology with Lisa Velkoff because I love her teaching style, and the content we are learning about is so informative and interesting. It is a 200-level class, so it’s great for those interested in the psychology major and for upper-level students who are interested in the field of abnormal psychology.

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I chose Lewis & Clark because I loved the location of the school, nearby a bustling city but also close to nature. I came in thinking I was going to study sociology, so the sociology and anthropology program really pulled me in as well. I also liked the idea that I wasn’t just going to be a number here. Due to its size, it is easier for L&C’s professors and the institution itself to make sure you are supported throughout your four years.

What do you like or find most interesting about your major?

I really enjoyed the variety of classes within the psychology department because it gave me the opportunity to test out different aspects of the field. All the professors in the department are wonderful as well, and I have enjoyed taking classes with them.

Tell us about your support systems and social outlets on campus: people, activities, clubs, res halls, etc.

I have found community in many different spaces on campus. The residence halls I’ve lived in have provided ample opportunities to meet new people and branch out socially. My roommate, who I lived with for three years, was a wonderful friend and I’m glad we decided to live together beginning our first year. I was briefly involved with Chinese Club, SEED, and Acapella which were also wonderful experiences and allowed me to meet new people well into my junior and senior years. There are so many activities, clubs, and organizations to get involved with on campus, and I highly recommend going out and trying new things.

If you went on a New Student Trip with College Outdoors, how did it shape your experience as an incoming student?

I loved my New Student Trip and I highly recommend it for new students. I went on the paddle board and hiking trip to the Wallowas, which my future roommate and I chose to do together to test out the waters of living together. I had a wonderful time and it was super nice to have a small group of people that I knew well once we got to campus. It is a great opportunity to branch out and meet new people as well as enjoy outdoor activities before settling down in your new home.

If you have studied or will study overseas while at Lewis & Clark, how did you choose your program? What did your overseas study add to your L&C experience?

I went on the fall London Humanities Program, and I cannot recommend it enough. I chose this program because I had never been to Europe and always wanted to go, and I was intrigued by our program class called Enchanted England. I am very grateful for the opportunity to go and it definitely was one of my favorite semesters at school.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Join as many clubs as you find interesting, it will open your horizons and you may find that you like something you never thought you would. It is also a great way to meet new people!

Which residence halls have you lived in? How would you describe the hall’s personality? What is/was the best thing about living on campus?

I lived in Spruce, in Stewart, and then in Hartzfield Hall. Forest halls are my favorite on campus, they have a homey, outdoorsy feel to them, and the community up there is great. I loved having the gardens right outside and the Coop is so close. Stewart is definitely one of the quietest buildings on campus so great for those looking for that, and the walk-in closets were a great perk. Hartzfield Hall is also one of my favorites on campus, the rooms are cute and big, the shared bathroom is super nice, and having your friends live next door in a glorified quad was great.

What’s one of the best spots on campus?

The Estate Gardens; the Graduate Campus; the green conference room in Watzek.
