Lilah Shapiro

The best class I have ever taken is Medicine, Healing, and Culture. It was extremely mind expanding, and I now think about and approach subjects in a completely new way.

Lilah Shapiro BA '25



Degree and Class Year

BA ’25


Pahoa, Hawai‘i




Earth System Science


College Outdoors, Artemis Ultimate Frisbee, Hawai‘i Club, Paddle Club

Overseas study

Australia 2024

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Close-knit, Multi-disciplinary, Beautiful

What’s your favorite class? Why?

The best class I have ever taken is Medicine, Healing, and Culture with Assistant Professor Sepideh Bajracharya. As a STEM student, this sociology and anthropology class was very different from anything I had ever taken before. It was extremely mind expanding, and I now think about and approach subjects in a completely new way.

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I really wanted to go to a liberal arts school and appreciated that L&C has very small classes and many extracurricular activities. I was also drawn to L&C because students are able to take a wide variety of classes in subjects different from their major.

What do you like or find most interesting about your major?

I have always loved everything about science and have enjoyed delving deeper into biology. I especially enjoy marine biology and behavioral ecology, and love having hands-on labs outside of the classroom.

Tell us about your support systems and social outlets on campus: people, activities, clubs, res halls, etc.

I have made many amazing friends through classes and the various programs I am a part of. I mostly participate in College Outdoors where I am a trip leader and help organize and lead weekend trips, Spring Break trips, and New Student trips. I am also part of the Hawai‘i Club and dance hula in our Lu’au. Along with that, I have played on the Artemis Ultimate Frisbee team for two years, and enjoy going to Paddle Club every Wednesday.

If you went on a New Student Trip with College Outdoors, how did it shape your experience as an incoming student?

I made some of my closest friends on my New Student Trip. It really helped me transition into college, and I loved adventuring in nature with new people before starting school. I feel lucky to now lead New Student trips and give first-year students the same experience that I had.

If you have studied or will study overseas while at Lewis & Clark, how did you choose your program? What did your overseas study add to your L&C experience?

Next spring I will be going on the Australia biology study abroad program. I chose this program because I have always wanted to go to Australia and experience the incredible amount of biodiversity there. I am also really excited to see the Great Barrier Reef and take more hands-on STEM classes.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things. I never thought I would be on the Ultimate Frisbee team or join paddle club but now I cannot imagine my college experience without them.

Biology Earth System Science