Jemma Montgomery

I wanted to come to L&C because of the campus. It just felt right when I visited, and I could picture myself here in a way that I couldn’t at other schools.

Jemma Montgomery BA '23



Degree and Class Year

BA ’23


Minneapolis, Minnesota




Natural History Club, Orchestra

Overseas study

East Africa/Biology

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Artsy, Beautiful, Outdoorsy

What’s your favorite class? Why?

My favorite class has been Medicinal Organic Chemistry with Professor Louis Kuo. I loved how it integrated parts of many different classes I’d taken and how applicable it felt to the career I want to go into.

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I wanted to come to L&C because of the campus. It just felt right when I visited, and I could picture myself on campus in a way that I couldn’t at other schools.

What do you like or find most interesting about your major?

I love how engaged all of my biology professors are with the material. They are all super excited about the class and want their students to love it as much as they do. Being in a class where the professor is excited to be there makes it so much easier to engage and learn the subject.

Tell us about your support systems and social outlets on campus: people, activities, clubs, res halls, etc.

I’ve been very involved in the Natural History Club since my first year and the people I’ve met through that experience have become some of my closest friends on campus. They’re who I go to when I need advice or support.

If you went on a New Student Trip with College Outdoors, how did it shape your experience as an incoming student?

My New Student Trip was great. I became super close with the other students on my trip and it helped so much to start school with a support system already in place. Almost four years later, many of my closest friends are from that experience (and I even still live with someone from my trip!).

If you have studied or will study overseas while at Lewis & Clark, how did you choose your program? What did your overseas study add to your L&C experience?

I chose my study abroad program in East Africa because I wanted to do a program that related to my biology major, and I wanted to go somewhere that would have been inaccessible without going through L&C. My study abroad was definitely the highlight of my college experience. I formed so many strong relationships with other students that have continued since we returned to campus.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Try as many new things as you can. I have interests now that I never would have thought about when I started at L&C. There are so many free events and workshops to go to and you should definitely take advantage of every opportunity.

Did you visit campus before deciding to come to L&C? How did your visit influence your decision to attend?

I probably wouldn’t have attended Lewis & Clark if I hadn’t visited. The campus itself is what largely drove my decision to come here. It’s so much harder to get stressed and overwhelmed about school work if you can escape into the woods and gardens whenever you want.

How do you describe the liberal arts?

The liberal arts are all about drawing connections. Every field of study is so interconnected and the liberal arts education is all about embracing that.

Which residence halls have you lived in? How would you describe the hall’s personality? What is/was the best thing about living on campus?

\I’ve lived in Howard, Platt, and Hartzfield. Both Howard and Platt were quiet, which was great for studying in my room. Hartzfield was super cozy with all the dark brick. The best part of living on campus is always being close to your friends.

Who is your mentor on campus? Why?

My mentor on campus is Professor Greta Binford. I’ve done research in her lab for the last couple years. She’s been incredibly influential in forming my career aspiration and helped me grow as a student and researcher.

What’s one of the best spots on campus?

Albany Quadrangle is definitely underrated. When the sun comes out, it’s just beautiful with all the flowers that line the area. It’s one of my favorite places to eat lunch on campus.

Have you had the opportunity to do research with a professor? If so, please describe the project and the experience.

I’ve done research with Dr. Greta Binford in her spider lab for the last two years. I’ve been working on a project looking at how brown recluse venom proteins affect insect cells and crickets. I’ve done an independent study in her lab for the last couple semesters working on this project for credit.
