Our Mascot: A Community Engagement Process

Dear Lewis & Clark community,

At the beginning of 2024, a survey went out to our students, staff, faculty, and alumni regarding our mascot. Over 7,000 of you responded. I want to thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

A steering committee of twenty-one Lewis & Clark community members representing alumni, trustees, faculty, staff, and students from the undergraduate College, the Graduate School, and the Law School met weekly throughout the spring 2024 semester to analyze the survey results and discuss how best to move forward. This committee reported their findings to me this summer.

Citing in particular remarkably low support for the mascot among current students, the report recommends that we begin the process of adopting and embracing a new mascot.

In the report, the committee discusses the role a mascot can play in connecting a group of individuals by providing a symbol to rally around. They note that the best mascots represent a shared sense of school spirit and pride, and offer a common identity that the whole community can embrace.

This is not a decision I take lightly. As a former student athlete, I know what it means to wear a team name, carrying the responsibility of representing a beloved institution. And the committee’s report recognizes that some alumni, students, and other community members associate the Pioneer with cherished memories of Lewis & Clark. The data also shows that the vast majority of respondents agree that it’s important for current students to have a mascot they are proud of.

The next step in a mascot nomination and selection process will be led by a committee chaired by Vice President for Student Life Evette Castillo Clark. Because this is an important opportunity to strengthen school spirit across the Lewis & Clark community, choosing a new mascot will engage our entire community, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni, in a process that is educational, experiential, and forward-looking. We anticipate the participation of the student body who, in rallying around a new mascot, will be able to cheer on our teams, inspire and enhance programs and events, and invigorate our institution with increased enthusiasm and pride. Updates about the process will be posted on this page throughout the fall.

I want to thank the members of the Mascot Steering Committee for their months of thoughtful work. I invite those of you who want to know more to read a copy of their report, available below, which includes data from the survey.

Whether you are a student, faculty or staff member, or alumni, I hope you will join me in supporting this effort to strengthen school spirit and the pride we all take in being part of the Lewis & Clark community.


Robin H. Holmes-Sullivan, PhD

Mascot Steering Committee Recommendations, July 2024

Download a PDF of the report.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at mascot@lclark.edu.