Clover Sinning

Lewis & Clark checked all my boxes for what I wanted in a school.

Clover Sinning BA '26



Degree and Class Year

BA ’26


Minneapolis, Minnesota






Students Engaged in Eco Defense, KPH Radio, Mycology Club, Garden Club

Overseas study

Croatia, Spring 2025 (non-L&C program)

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Outdoorsy, Creative, Passionate

What’s your favorite class? Why?

My favorite class I have taken at L&C was Philosophy and the Environment with Professor Jay Odenbaugh. Jay was very passionate about the subject and was an amazing lecturer. I loved the discussion-based class environment and the different environmental topics we covered, such as the ethics of renewable energy and moral obligations towards the environment. The class was a great way for me to think about my environmental interests in a new way.

What do you like or find most interesting about your major?

I like that the biology major allows me to take a wide variety of classes to explore all of my interests. The major is wildly applicable, which is great as I consider future career paths. A lot of the biology courses emphasize group work, and I like that I get to meet many different people. There are so many different areas within biology that I’ve enjoyed learning about, such as molecular biology and ecology. All the professors in the department are amazing, and I love hearing about their work and passion for biology.

What do you like or find most interesting about your minor?

I’ve always enjoyed chemistry, and I’m happy to be able to expand my knowledge in the subject. I like that the chemistry minor allows me to take specialized classes about topics that I find interesting and can apply to other aspects of my studies. The chemistry department is tight-knit, and it’s great to be able to form close relationships with my professors and customize classes to my interests. I also love the lab aspects of the courses and the opportunity to design and conduct experiments using many different techniques and skills.

How would you describe sustainability at L&C?

I think there is an active interest in sustainability at L&C, both from students and faculty. The school is an environment where everyone is comfortable sharing their opinions, and many students and staff are passionate about making sure L&C is a sustainable place. The campus is also becoming more sustainable with more energy-efficient buildings and more emphasis on native plants, though there are always more improvements to be made.

What’s your involvement with any sustainability initiatives on campus? What’s the best part of your experience?

I am currently the president of Students Engaged in Eco-Defense (SEED), the main environmentally focused club on campus. We’ve done quite a bit of work to try to make the campus more sustainable, from working to influence the sustainability of the college’s investments to providing more environmentally friendly resources to students. The best part of my experience in SEED has been leading work days, such as invasive plant removal or garden days, as I get to meet many new people. Everyone in SEED has different interests, and I have been able to learn more about so many different environmental topics through collaborating with others.

What should incoming students know about sustainability at L&C?

If any students are interested in sustainability, there are a lot of great opportunities to get involved. There are a lot of classes and professors within many different majors with an environmental focus, and people are always open to discussing sustainability issues. Students and faculty at the school advocate for sustainability, and there are a lot of great ways to get involved in that work.

How does sustainability prepare students for life after L&C?

I think sustainability at L&C introduces students to a more environmentally conscious perspective and encourages them to make mindful decisions in their lives. I think the school’s commitment to sustainability makes students think about the communities they belong to and how their actions affect others. Due to climate change, many of our jobs will involve sustainability and will impact our future, so it’s always important to think about our impacts.

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I’ve always wanted to go to college in a different environment than my hometown, and I’ve always thought the Pacific Northwest was beautiful. Lewis & Clark checked all my boxes for what I wanted in a school. The campus is gorgeous and near the forest, the school is small with a close-knit community, and the professors are passionate about their work.

If you went on a New Student Trip with College Outdoors, how did it shape your experience as an incoming student?

My New Student Trip with College Outdoors was a great first experience to have at the college. Everyone was welcoming, and it was really helpful to start classes and orientation with some friends I had already made. I also got a great sense of the community at L&C through my trip, and it was great to see how adventurous and open everyone was. There were some unexpected events on my trip, but everyone handled them well and stayed positive, which made the trip exciting.

What’s one of the best spots on campus?

One of the best spots on campus is the Olin Lounge. It’s a great quiet place to work, especially when the library is busy. The lounge has floor-to-ceiling windows so the room has lots of light and a view of the woods.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Portland?

My favorite thing about living in Portland is how green it is. Since there isn’t much of a winter here, everything stays green all year round. There are so many beautiful parks and forests in the city, so there is never a shortage of things to do outside.

Biology Chemistry