Helena Brown

I wanted to come to Lewis & Clark because of the beautiful campus, the supportive athletics program, the interesting variety of classes, the impressive professors, and the emphasis on community!

Helena Brown BA '26



Degree and Class Year

BA ’26


Billings, Montana




Varsity Tennis, Community Dialogues Facilitator, ASB Senator, Engagement and Outreach committee, Finance committee, Senior Experience Committee, L&C Hillel, Intramural sports

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Supportive, Creative, Accepting

What’s your favorite class? Why?

My favorite class is Gender and Sexualities in U.S. Society taught by Associate Professor Kimberly Brodkin. Kim does a phenomenal job of engaging all of her students. Discussions happen in small groups and as a whole class. Students are motivated to read all of the assigned material because she works hard to cover all of the material. I leave each class knowing more and wanting to know even more!

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I wanted to come to Lewis & Clark because it is a small school with a beautiful campus! I was interested in playing tennis here, especially after seeing how supportive the athletics program was of the athletes! The classes that were offered looked interesting, the professors seemed so impressive, and the school emphasized community which I value!

What do you like or find most interesting about your major?

I am undeclared because I am a first-year student and still exploring different areas of study!

Tell us about your support systems and social outlets on campus: people, activities, clubs, res halls, etc.

I have found an overwhelming amount of support at Lewis & Clark. I have formed close friendships with people in my residence hall. It is exciting to live downstairs from some of my closest friends. The tennis team does a great job of checking in with each other—both teammates and coaches. After Associated Student Body meetings, the Senate goes to dinner together, which has helped me feel more comfortable with the other members and have a better understanding of what ASB does!

If you went on a New Student Trip with College Outdoors, how did it shape your experience as an incoming student?

My New Student Trip helped ease the transition of moving away from home to college. I felt comfortable arriving on campus because I had friends from my trip, advice from my NST leaders, and had just had a blast on my trip!

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Remember you deserve to be here! You deserve to be in the classroom, on the field/court, and on campus! Be yourself, go to office hours, and be open to new experiences, and you will ROCK college. Give yourself grace and patience.

Why do you love playing tennis at L&C? How do you balance athletics and academics?

I love playing tennis at L&C because I can get better at the sport and have a community of people that I can count on to love and support me. I balance athletics and academics by writing everything down and by allotting time to plan when and where I will get my work done. The structure that tennis provides has been really helpful for my academics!