Huston Sports Complex Renovation Pledge

The “We Believe!” Project at Lewis & Clark

Transforming the Joe Huston Memorial Sports Complex

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

radio button field
Please enter total gift amount you are pledging.
text field
required radio button field
My gift should benefit*
required radio button field
To be paid over*
Please enter number of years you will pay off pledge. If one-time gift, choose 1 year.
required date field
required radio button field
Pledge paid*
radio button field
Preferred payment method
checkbox field
Matching Gifts
checkbox field
textarea field
For additional gift instructions or if you wish to make your gift "In Memory Of" or "In Honor Of" someone, please use this Comments section.
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required text field
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required e-mail address field
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Information on Giving Opportunities

Rebecca Holt BA ’01, MA ’09, Senior Development Officer