Megan Sawyer

Being involved with athletics provided me with a supportive, understanding, and enjoyable community that was there by my side through the ups and downs during the years of college.

Megan Sawyer BA '20



Degree and Class Year

BA ’20


Battle Ground, Washington

Current City

Eugene, Oregon




Varsity women’s soccer goalkeeper, Copresident of Pre-Law Club


Summer Legal Intern at Vancouver Wills and Trusts

Continuing Studies

University of Oregon School of Law

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Supportive, Collaborative, Close-knit

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I chose Lewis & Clark because of the beautiful campus, the close-knit athletic programs, and the highly regarded programs and faculty.

What have you been doing since graduation?

Since graduation, I have worked in federal contracting, lived and worked on the East Coast for a year, and have now just completed my first year of law school at University of Oregon!

How did Lewis & Clark prepare you for your job/law school?

Lewis & Clark prepared me for my post-grad work and law school because my degree strengthened my analytical, reading, and writing skills that are necessary to succeed in school, the workplace, and certainly in my future legal education.

What would you say is the most important thing you learned at Lewis & Clark?

The most important thing I learned at Lewis & Clark is the importance of collaboration, both in and out of the classroom. In attending office hours, joining study groups, and accepting a leadership position with the Pre-Law club on campus, I learned that collaboration allowed me to make both personal and professional connections that gave me additional opportunities and made me more well rounded. Furthermore, my time as an athlete on the women’s soccer team allowed me to build a similar community outside of a strictly academic setting, and that community gave me the support and friendship that helped me thrive during and since college.

Why did you major in English?

I majored in English for two reasons. For one, I have a passion for writing and literary works so it allowed me to show up to class everyday excited and passionate about my learning. Secondly, the writing and analytical skills that the major stresses transfer to a wide-range of jobs and future opportunities (of which it certainly did).

How do you stay connected to Lewis & Clark as an alum?

I stay connected as a Lewis & Clark alum by staying in contact with friends and coaches, attending Lewis & Clark athletic events when I can (including the women’s soccer alumni game, which I have played in each year since graduating), and by attending summer alumni events as much as possible.

What was your favorite class? How did it expand your knowledge?

My favorite class was my English Thesis class with Professor Will Pritchard. I enjoyed this class because it was so small (roughly 10 or 12 of us), which allowed us to get such thorough feedback on our writing. This allowed me to really push myself and my writing skills and was also very enjoyable in the process!

Where did you find your community on campus?

I found my community in the gym and on the field, with my teammates. Being involved with athletics provided me with a supportive, understanding, and enjoyable community that was there by my side through the ups and downs during the years of college. Many of these friendships have continued to this day and for that I am so grateful!
