Christopher Karagiannis
The friends I made at L&C are people I want to know for the rest of my life.
Degree and Class Year
Current City
Job Title, Organization
What three words would you use to describe L&C?
What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?
I wanted a fresh start with people that seemed open to new experiences.
What have you been doing since graduation?
I got recruited by Epic at the end of my senior year and have been working there since.
How did Lewis & Clark prepare you for your job?
It provided a highly collaborative environment and interactions that have helped me be much better prepared for the interpersonal part of the workplace, while still giving me all of the knowledge I needed to succeed.
What would you say is the most important thing you learned at Lewis & Clark?
How to adapt to being away from home and thrive in new environments.
Why did you major in computer science and mathematics?
I just love math and computers, so it seemed logical to me.
Did you choose a minor?
I didn’t have a minor, but I took every creative writing class I could because they were super fun and it was great to get out of my standard comfort zone.
How do you stay connected to Lewis & Clark as an alum?
Through my friends. I don’t live in the same place as any of them now, but we frequently talk or host book clubs online, because they are people I want to know for the rest of my life.
How do you describe the liberal arts?
College is about gaining knowledge as a whole, and liberal arts to me means taking that a step further and questioning where that knowledge comes from, and what shapes the context around it.
What was your favorite class? How did it expand your knowledge?
French 102 with Natalie Stamper. I had taken French for many (10) years before, and I had always viewed it as something that I was supposed to do, or just had to get over. That class, and the professor especially, taught me about how it can be fun to learn a new language, and why it was important to do so, thinking about what liberal arts means and how different languages come with different ways of thinking that impact people. It was also a good reminder that a lot of things I may have dismissed can still have a lot of value that I didn’t see before.
Where did you find your community on campus?
I found a lot of people at the board game club and picked up a new hobby that I really like as a result.
Admissions is located in Frank Manor House on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 32
voice 503-768-7040
fax 503-768-7055
Vice President of Admissions and Financial Aid
Eric Staab
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219