Carley LaPlaca

I have felt very well equipped to work with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences due to the wide range of knowledge I gained at L&C.

Carley LaPlaca BA '22



Degree and Class Year

BA ’22


Santa Clara, California

Current City

Portland, Oregon




Gender Studies


Gender Studies Symposium Co-Chair, Queer Student Union (QSU), Pio Support Network (PSN), ASB

Job Title, Organization

Enrollment & Matching Specialist at Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest


Senior year psychology internship at Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Community, Exploration, Opportunity

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Community, Exploration, Opportunity

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

I was excited by the prospect of exploration that a liberal arts education provides. I was especially drawn to L&C because of the small class sizes and the opportunities to form interpersonal connections on campus. I was also drawn to the community aspect of L&C due to the secluded location, wide variety of clubs and activities, and the ability to live on campus.

What have you been doing since graduation?

I have been working at Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest as an enrollment and matching specialist. I also lead an LGBTQ+ student group for the youth enrolled in our program in order to build community and provide specific resources. I have continued to work with Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center, the organization I did my senior psychology internship with, providing support in their library of resources offered to foster parents across the state. I have also loved exploring Portland more!

How did Lewis & Clark prepare you for your job?

I have loved the opportunity to apply my academic knowledge gained at L&C to my hands-on work at BBBS. I have felt very well equipped to work with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences due to the wide range of knowledge I gained at L&C. The leadership skills I gained through my 3 years working with the QSU coupled with my minor in Gender Studies have given me so much confidence as I work specifically with LGBTQ+ youth.

What would you say is the most important thing you learned at Lewis & Clark?

The importance of community!

Why did you major in psychology?

I have always been passionate about working with children and youth, specifically foster and LGBTQ+ youth. My psychology studies have provided so much insight about development, mental health, and trauma, all of which are especially influential when working with youth.

Why did you minor in gender studies?

The gender studies program offered me the opportunity to explore concepts that have always interested me and helped provide me with frameworks to view society and the work that I do with youth and families.

How do you stay connected to Lewis & Clark as an alum?

I am especially connected to the Gender Studies Symposium! It was such a fantastic experience to attend the Symposium after graduation and to be able to expand upon my academic experience at L&C while also connecting with the GSS community.

Psychology Gender Studies