Volunteer for Alumni Weekend!

Save the date for Alumni Weekend: June 26 - 29, 2025

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Volunteers play a vital role in the success of their class reunion and other Alumni Weekend events. Reunion class committee volunteers work on tasks that entail differing time commitments and are spread out over the year. Each class will have a group of about six people working on the reunion; it’s a lot of fun! All of the projects can be done remotely and on your own schedule. Join in!

In addition to being a class reunion committee, there are a variety of other Alumni Weekend tasks with which we need help. Please see the volunteer interest form titled, “Help at Alumni Weekend! ” below to join our production team. 

Save the date!

Alumni Weekend 2025
June 26 - 29

Alumni Weekend Volunteer Sign-Up

Please fill out the form below to be contacted by alumni staff.

-We ask all volunteers to make every effort to attend Alumni Weekend
-We ask all class reunion committee volunteers to encourage classmates to attend and to participate in outreach through emails, calls, or social media
-We ask all class reunion committee volunteers to agree to be listed as a reunion volunteer in reunion communications and on the website

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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Please let us know if you would like to be involved and what else you might be interested in doing:*
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If you would like more information on joining your class reunion committee or planning an overseas reunion, please fill out the form above. In order to be good stewards of alumni information, reunion volunteers are asked to sign a Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement. You can find the Agreement here

You can find the Overseas/Off-Campus Reunion Proposal Form here

If you would like to fulfill a volunteer need at Alumni Weekend, please fill out the form below. 

Help at Alumni Weekend! 

We want to include you in Alumni Weekend, whether it is your reunion year or not! Volunteers are needed to help check in guests, help at events, help direct guests and more. Photography skills are greatly needed. If you would like to volunteer at Alumni Weekend, we would love to host you to an event. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch.

Be a part of Alumni Weekend! Be a part of the crew and get the insider’s view of Alumni Weekend! Want to help check people in at an event? Want to help set up? Let us know what sounds interesting to you!

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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We thank our Alumni Weekend 2024 volunteers:

Class of 1974 Reunion Committee
Joe Mitter, Barbara Whitaker, Bruce Reed, Jan Pearce, and Maria Hein
For questions, please contact the Class of 1974 Staff Reunion Coordinator Chelsea Nordby at chelseanordby@lclark.edu.

Class of 1979 Reunion Committee
Katie Byrnes, Chris Deffebach, Maggie Englund, Paul Green, Julie Manning, and Kim Zeren
For questions, please contact the Class of 1979 Staff Reunion Coordinator Amanda Valley at avalley@lclark.edu.

Class of 1984 Reunion Committee
Mary Dindorf, Nevill Eschen, Tom Fitch, Mark Gary, Jim Kean, Ginger Moshofsky, and Lisa Powell
For questions, please contact the Class of 1984 Staff Reunion Coordinator Ginger Moshofsky ’83 at ginger@lclark.edu.

Class of 1989 Reunion Committee
Michelle Anderson-Olivier, Stacey Caldwell-Roberts, Carla Cavenago-Salazar, Laura Code, Serena Cruz, and Jackson Shea
For questions, please contact the Class of 1989 Staff Reunion Coordinator Emily Decker ’85 at emily@lclark.edu.

Class of 1999 Reunion Committee
Heather Kalowsky, Rachel Madison, Nicole Miranda, Mike Skrzynski, and Erica Somes
For questions, please contact the Class of 1999 Staff Reunion Coordinator Stephen LeBoutillier ’00 at sgl@lclark.edu.

Class of 2004 Reunion Committee
Jaymie Cox-Garcia, Matt Glazer and Terra Tolley
For questions, please contact the Class of 2004 Staff Reunion Coordinator Emily Decker ’85 at emily@lclark.edu.

Class of 2014 Reunion Committee
Sofia Alicastro and Gaby Herrmann
For questions, please contact the Class of 2014 Staff Reunion Coordinator Ginger Moshofsky ’83 at ginger@lclark.edu.

Classes of 2019 Reunion Committee
Silas Hassrick and Anna Kahler
For questions, please contact the Classes of 2019 Staff Reunion Coordinator Oliver Milavetz at reunions@lclark.edu. 

If you have any questions, or are interested in volunteering to help plan your class reunion, please fill out the form above or contact reunions@lclark.edu!

Pictures from Alumni Weekend 2023 can be found here.