Hanna Lyubinina

The most important thing I learned at L&C was to stay curious. 

Hanna Lyubinina BA '19



Degree and Class Year

BA ’19


Concord, California

Current City

Portland, Oregon


Computer Science and Mathematics and Psychology (double)


Capella Nova Choir, Admissions Tour Guide, Winterim, Psychology Club (President), Third Culture Kid (TCK) Board (President), Student Academic Affairs Board (SAAB) Psychology Department Representative, International Fair Planning Committee, Math Club, Computer Science Club, Russian Club, Dr. Zimbardo’s Heroic Imagination Project

Overseas study

London Psychology Program, 2017

Job Title, Organization

Data Reporting and Analytics Consultant, Kaiser Permanente


OHSU Psychiatry ADHD Lab, John S. Rogers Internship at OMSI Play Lab with Dr. Erik Nilsen’s Tangible Technology Research Study, L&C Earthquake Preparedness Research Study, Dr. Jennifer LaBounty’s Infant Research Study, L&C Information Security Analyst Internship

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Supportive, Interdisciplinary, Engaging

What made you want to come to Lewis & Clark?

The campus is beautiful and peaceful, and the large variety of courses and opportunities that I was interested in were all available there. The professors were approachable and compassionate ever since I first visited campus as a prospective student.

What have you been doing since graduation?

After working at OHSU’s psychiatry department’s ADHD Research Study, I transitioned into a career in data analytics. At first, I worked as an underwriting and pricing analyst, and then as a data reporting and analytics consultant, both at Kaiser Permanente. I have also been composing and performing original music with my band, Ominyx, as the lead vocalist and keyboardist.

How did Lewis & Clark prepare you for your job?

L&C taught me the critical thinking and analytical skills that I have needed in order to devise creative solutions to problems in both my personal and professional life post-graduation. The ability to pull from my many areas of study and make connections between multiple disciplines is invaluable in my field. My innovation and public speaking skills have been valued by peers and leaders, and would not be where they are now, were it not for the guidance of my nurturing professors at L&C. Additionally, the time management and leadership skills that I developed through balancing classes with internships, choir, leading campus tours and clubs, and other extracurricular activities have come in handy on a daily basis, so I am eternally grateful for the plethora of growth opportunities that L&C has to offer.

What would you say is the most important thing you learned at Lewis & Clark?

The most important thing I learned at L&C was to stay curious. I learned not to be afraid to ask questions because there is no such thing as a stupid question. This lesson continues to benefit me post-graduation; more often than not, someone else has the same question as me, so asking it might not just lead to a meaningful conversation, but it may also help others. Even though it may seem like asking questions is bothersome, in the end, the client/supervisor/professor/etc. will appreciate the attention to detail, and the end result will likely be higher quality.

Why did you double major in computer science and mathematics and psychology?

I have always been passionate about mental health awareness, so right away, I knew I wanted to study psychology. When I took Statistics as a psychology major requirement and Calculus as a graduation requirement, I had wonderfully engaging and energetic professors who motivated me to take more mathematics courses. Once I committed to a mathematics double major and started taking computer science classes (required for the math major), I fell in love with the problem solving and interdisciplinary nature of computer science and switched my double major to the computer science and mathematics hybrid major that L&C offers. I became driven to study all three areas and the intersections between them after realizing how well they complement one another.

How do you stay connected to Lewis & Clark as an alum?

I stay connected through the email newsletter and social media. Additionally, some of my closest friends are alumni, including one of my bandmates.

Where did you find your community on campus?

Something incredibly special about L&C is that one can be as involved in the community as one wants to be. The huge variety of clubs, events, internship/job opportunities, department lounges, and spaces on campus (e.g. Platteau Art Center) makes it easy to find like-minded people. Through getting involved in choir, several clubs (e.g. TCK Board, Psychology Club, Math Club, CS Club, Russian Club), and organizing/attending events, not only did I develop useful event planning and leadership skills, but I also connected with many communities and found life-long friends. The support and camaraderie that I experienced in the Tutoring Center, my departments’ lounges, and especially in the International Students and Scholars Office also helped me find a sense of belonging and made L&C feel like a home away from home.

Computer Science and Mathematics Psychology