Alumni of Color

Throughout the year, Lewis & Clark hosts events aimed at connecting and engaging alumni of color. If you are an alum of color, we hope you will consider getting involved in the following:

Affinity Events:

To see upcoming events, please visit our Attend Events page.

Join us for the Alumni of Color event at Alumni Weekend 2024.


Find the Lewis & Clark Black Alumni Association (LCBAA) website here.

Find the Lewis & Clark Native Alumni Association (LCNAA) website here



Valerie White Recognized for Sustained Dedication to Ombuds Profession

Valerie White received special recognition this month at the 50th anniversary gathering of the California Caucus of College and University Ombuds, otherwise known as Cal Caucus or CCCUO.

Student Wins Grant to Promote Mental Health in Rwanda

Rene Amani, L&C’s 2022-23 Dallaire Scholar, was awarded a Projects for Peace grant to help address the generational trauma of families in his home country of Rwanda.

Paula Hayes BS ’92 Elected New Chair of L&C’s Board of Trustees Paula Hayes BS ’92

Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees has elected Paula Hayes BS ’92 as its next chair. Hayes, an entrepreneurial cosmetics chemist and founder and CEO of Hue Noir, has served on the Board of Trustees since 2014.