Purchases & Reimbursable Expense Policy

Reimbursable expenses are defined as expenses incurred on behalf of the College to facilitate a recognized student organization or activity. The expenses must be for the greater benefit of the related student organization and not for personal gain of any individual. Any reusable supplies, equipment or other assets purchased on behalf of the recognized student organization are considered property of the College and the recognized student organization. Any personal use or misappropriation will be addressed in accordance with College policies.

This policy provides guidelines governing the reimbursement of expenses incurred while conducting College business. This policy is drafted by the Office of Business and Finance and the Office of Student Engagement specifically for use related to recognized student organizations and is consistent with the standards expected of all Lewis & Clark College representatives, including students, faculty and staff. College representatives are expected to exercise prudent judgment regarding expenses covered by this policy. No representatives shall charge expenses in a manner that will result in personal gains or additional expenses to the College. This policy is not an all-inclusive document - any clarification or application of judgment in regards to the policy will be resolved by designated representatives of the Office of Business & Finance and the Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students.

Any items containing alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. cannot be purchased or reimbursed with student organization funds.

It is a privilege for your organization to be given funds to use for events, conferences, and the like. Please adhere to rules and regulations in place regarding the use of funds and reimbursement requests for purchases you have made on behalf of your organization. Behavior that demonstrates disregard for these rules and regulations may result in the loss of access to school funds for your organization and/or other disciplinary action.

All funds of student organizations must be kept on deposit with Lewis & Clark College. Organizations are not permitted to hold funds in off-campus bank accounts or payment apps (e.g., Venmo, Cash, etc.).