August 21, 2019

Faculty Q & A with Kim Cameron-Dominguez

Kim joined Lewis & Clark as a tenure track faculty member last fall. We finally caught up with her to find out more about what makes her tick.

Although a familiar face around Lewis & Clark, Kim joined Lewis & Clark as a tenure track faculty member last fall. We finally caught up with her to find out more about what makes her tick.


PhD Anthropology. University of California, Santa Cruz 

Research and Teaching Interests:

Critical Race Studies, Ethnicity and Gender

Blackness in the Diaspora

Affect and Discourse Analysis

Labor and Work Culture


Urban Ethnography

State Formation

What most excites you about joining the L&C community?  

I am always excited about the introduction to a new cohort of LC students and the return of continuing SOAN majors. Also, I’m excited about entering into a new relationship with the institution and my colleagues now that I am on the tenure track. Finally, I will teach several new courses this fall. The new books that correspond make me very happy. 

Describe the current trajectory of your scholarly research.

At present, I am working on an article that features original research on black women and work culture. My next article will focus on the discourses of urban belonging in branding material about Portland. Third, I hope to expand a previous presentation into an article. It is a little experimental for me; mixing an anthropological perspective with a cultural studies approach to the topic of affect.

I hope that new research will take me to either Cuba or Colombia to look at entrepreneurship among women, who identify as black or Afro-descent. 

What kind of hobbies or special activities do you enjoy outside of work?

Running, working out, yoga, crochet, and hiking, if I can take that much time out of my day. 

What were your childhood goals/aspirations?

I wanted to be a children’s book author and illustrator. I still aim to be.

What was your favorite childhood story?  

The Phantom Tollbooth and all things Grimm