Overseas/Off-campus Reunion Program Volunteer

Overseas/off-campus program reunions at Alumni Weekend 2025

Do you want to have your group gather June 26-29, 2025 ?

We are excited that you are interested in bringing your group together. There are a few options. Please pick the option that you feel will appeal to your group and will be easy for you to accomplish.

What you need to do:

  • Fill out the Lewis & Clark Confidentiality agreement
  • Once you have filled out the Confidentiality Agreement, we will pull a list from our database of the people in your group. Sometimes the list is not perfect and you may find a person or two missing or extra. Please let us know when this is the case and we will update our records. 
  • Reach out to your group’s participants. If needed, work to track down anyone who is missing.
  • Using your best judgment or with input from the group, decide on the plan for the reunion and complete this form. If you have questions, feel free to call Ginger Moshofsky ’83, at 503-768-7444.
  • Let your group know about the reunion plans, and encourage them to attend.

What we will do to support your reunion:

  • Provide you with a list of participants and the contact information we have in our database.
  • Publish your plan in the online schedule.
  • Subsidize your reunion at $10 per registered person. With this scenario, someone would cover costs and submit itemized receipts to the Alumni and Parent Engagement office to be reimbursed.


Options for Your Group

  • Saturday Night Fir Acres Feast: A community wide dinner. Your group could meet at a designated time at the Feast. Very little planning is needed aside from outreach. We will reserve a table for your group at the designated time, placing a table tent showing your program destination and year. When people register for Alumni Weekend, they would register for the Feast and gather there.
  • Sunday Morning Breakfast: We will offer breakfast and a meeting room in Fowler, formerly Templeton, on Sunday morning. The charge to participants would be $10 and we would supply breakfast. You are welcome to decorate your meeting room. The room would have tech so you could show a slide show and include missing members by Zoom. You would not be allowed to have alcohol.  
  • We can reserve a room on campus for you. Very little planning is needed aside from outreach and what you would like to do at the reunion for example, potluck or someone prepares the food and drink. You cannot have alcoholic beverages with this option. We will reserve the room for your group at the designated time, placing a sign showing your program destination and year. The room could have tech so you could show a slide show and include members by Zoom.
  • Plan an event off campus. It could be someone’s house or a reservation at a restaurant. The organizer would make the arrangements. Someone would need to cover the tab. Then the receipt could be turned in to be reimbursed up to $10 over the registration fee. For example, if the expected cost for each person at the chosen restaurant is $20, people could register and pay $10 for the overseas reunion. Then Lewis & Clark would reimburse at $20 per person. We would publish your plan in the online schedule.
  • For the class of 1975 only. There will be a Friday evening gathering in the Trail Room. Your group could get food in the Trail Room and meet in a meeting room in Fowler, or in the Trail Room, for your reunion. (Other reunion classes have their class reunion that evening so an overseas or off-campus program reunion would conflict with  their class reunion.) 

Please reach out to Ginger Moshofsky ’83, ginger@lclark.edu, if you have any questions or want to discuss the options further. 

To be sure your reunion will be on the Alumni Weekend 2025 registration form, please finalize and submit your plans by January 15, 2025.

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