Override Restrictions or Required Consent


  1. Login to WebAdvisor at: https://webadvisor.lclark.edu
    1. Once you’ve logged in, choose the “Faculty” menu at the right.
  2. Choose the “Faculty (Self-Service)” link.
    1. You will be passed through from WebAdvisor to Self-Service.
    2. Your course sections (future, current and past) will be listed in Self-Service by semester, with the most recent (or future) semester at the top. Current and past semesters are below.
  3. Choose the course section that you wish to view by clicking on the link.
    1. This will bring you to your class roster.
  4. Click on the Permissions tab.
    1. You will be presented with two options. To override restrictions, or to provide instructor consent, choose the Faculty Consent button. (To find directions on waiving prerequisites, see instructions here.)
  5. Click on the Faculty Consent button
    1. Using this option waives ALL required consent and/or restrictions. You do not have the ability to choose individual restrictions, or to waive consent but not restrictions.
    2.  you’ll see a list of students to whom you have already granted an override, and there will be a search field into which you can enter a student ID.
      1. While the search function will ostensibly search on name, you are STRONGLY urged to use Student ID number. (The student file is so large that the search by name may not work optimally.) Ask the student for the ID number when the student requests an exception to add your course.
  6. When you enter the ID number in the search box, the student’s name will appear. If this is the correct student, click on the name.
  7. On the resulting screen:
    1. From the “Status” drop-down list, choose “approved”.
    2. From the “Reason” drop-down list, choose “Consent/Override restriction”
    3. You do not have to add a comment, but you can add one if you want to track why you gave consent (“major who needs course to graduate”). Please keep comments professional. These comments are available to the student.
  8. Click on the “Save” button.
  9. You will receive a green “consent added” notification in the top right corner of the screen; and you will see the student added to the list of students to whom you have given consent.
  10. To return to your roster, just click on the roster tab. (Or, to enter additional overrides, click on the blue “back to faculty permissions” link.)

Please note - you cannot currently remove permission that you have granted. If you need assistance during the add/drop period to revoke permission, please see information here.