Health Promotion and Wellness

The Health Promotion & Wellness Logo on a green and white background The Health Promotion & Wellness Logo on a green and white background

The Office of Health Promotion and Wellness at Lewis & Clark College encourages students to be mindful and self-responsible in all areas of wellness. A student’s ability to persist through four years of Lewis & Clark and develop into a contributing member of the larger community is dependent upon their ability to remain well physically, psychologically, and spiritually. The Health Promotion and Wellness office is dedicated to a holistic approach to supporting the needs of students in their pursuit of creating and maintaining healthy, well-balanced lifestyles. 

Update: Zoom Rooms Have Moved!

The Zoom Rooms have now moved to Roberts 112 (the old Maggie’s space). Questions or need to make an appointment? Contact Campus Living at

Zoom Rooms are available for students to reserve for private Zoom calls. This can include telehealth (physical or mental) appointments, virtual interviews for jobs and internships, and more.

Online Wellness Courses

Training courses from Vector Solutions prepare new college students for the unique challenges and responsibilities of college life. Focusing on creating a safe and healthy campus community by minimizing risks associated with substance use and sexual violence, the Vector Solutions courses take a harm-reduction approach that resonates with students and results in a healthy campus culture.  

All incoming L&C First Year Students and Transfer Students are required to complete these two courses (one on substance use and another on sexual assault prevention).

Additionally, all returning students are required to complete annual sexual assault prevention training in compliance with Oregon HB 3456/4164. Any questions should be directed to Health Promotion and Wellness at

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