Lineup Instructions
151st Annual Commencement Ceremony Lineup Instructions and Ceremony Overview
Saturday, May 4, 2024, arrive at 1:00 pm (ceremony at 2:00 pm)
Veterans Memorial Coliseum
- When you arrive with your cap and gown, please locate the Exhibit Hall located inside of the Coliseum to pick up your numbered name card at the table. Please keep this card with you.
Line up numerically by the number on your name card. This provides the alphabetical order for the processional.
- You will be seated and receive your diploma cover in this order as well (your actual diploma will be mailed to you over the summer).
- Signs will be posted to assist you in finding your spot in line; staff and faculty marshals will be available to assist you with lining up.
- It is very important that you maintain your place in line and that you hold your card with your name and number on it. Your name will be announced from the information on the card (please do not fold or otherwise mutilate your card).
- Tassels should be worn on the right side of the cap and moved to the left side after you receive your diploma cover.
- Please take all of your belongings with you!
Flag Bearers
Marshals for Faculty
Faculty and Staff
Mace Bearer
Platform Party
Marshals for Degree Candidates
Degree Candidates
- Faculty Marshals will lead the processional and recessional to and from the commencement venue.
- At a designated point, faculty, and staff will form two lines and the Degree Candidates will process between them, following the flags.
- Degree Candidates will then proceed down the middle aisle of the commencement venue, following the Marshals.
- As directed by Marshals, please move down to the end of your row quickly to avoid a backup of candidates in the center aisle.
- Please do not leave empty seats. There will be a commencement program on your seat already.
- Remain standing during the singing of the U.S. National Anthem by the Senior Choir, the Invocation, and the Land Acknowledgment.
- Remain seated throughout the ceremony unless told otherwise by the Dean.
- Dean Suttmeier will ask Degree Candidates to stand for the conferral of degrees.
- President Holmes-Sullivan will formally confer your bachelor of arts degree as a graduating class.
- Following the conferral of degrees, Dean Suttmeier will ask that you be seated and come forward at the direction of the marshals who will assist in guiding this process.
- Degree Candidates on the LEFT SIDE FACING THE STAGE will exit their rows for the stage from the left. Once you receive your diploma cover, you will return to your seat via the center aisle. (Please see attached diagram below)
- Degree Candidates on the RIGHT SIDE FACING THE STAGE will exit their rows for the stage from the right. Once you receive your diploma cover, you will return to your seat via the center aisle.
- Give your name card to the Faculty Marshal at the base of the ramp/steps to the stage.
- Your name will then be read by the faculty reader.
- As you walk across the stage, President Holmes-Sullivan will present you your diploma cover and shake your hand.
- At that moment, a professional photo will be taken.
- Dean Suttmeier and other members of the Platform Party will also congratulate you as you cross the stage.
- As you descend the ramp/steps from the stage, please stop for a second professional photograph.
- When you return to your seat, please remain seated until all graduates have been recognized individually.
- Dean Suttmeier will deliver the charge to the class and invite everyone to stand for the singing of the Alma Mater, lead by the Choir.
- After the singing of the Alma Mater, the platform party will led you in the formal recessional. Please follow the instructions of the faculty marshals.
Flag Bearers
Mace Bearer
Platform Party
Marshals for Faculty
Faculty and Staff
Marshals for Degree Recipients
Office of Undergraduate Commencement is located in the second floor of Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 187
Commencement Coordinator Tamara Ko
Office of Undergraduate Commencement
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219