
你好!(nǐ hǎo)

欢迎 ! This is the page to connect you to Chinese language practice. 

Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant : 蓝婉嫙 Lam Wan Xuan









SPRING 2025 Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30PM

Chinese Language Table: Wednesdays 4:45-5:45PM


大家好,我是来自新加坡的婉嫙,我是2024-25学年的Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant(Fulbright中文教学助理)。这是我第一次来到美国,我对接下来在Lewis & Clark College的九个月感到非常兴奋!我也期待认识新朋友、和学生们互动交流。平时我喜欢通过唱歌来放松心情,还专门创建了一个叫《早上起床元气满满》的歌单。如果你对这个歌单感兴趣,欢迎随时找我索取链接!


Hey, I am Wan Xuan, the Chinese Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant for 2024-25 from Singapore. It is my first time in the U.S., and I am super excited to be at Lewis & Clark College for the next 9 months. I can’t wait to meet new people and get into teaching! Singing is one of my favorite ways to relax, and I have an energetic playlist that helps me start my day. Let me know if you want to check it out!