April 01, 2024

LALS Series: PNW Premiere of LA MONTAÑA, a documentary about decolonization and the Zapatista movement

The final event in the LALS Film Series will be the Pacific Northwest premiere screening of La Montaña, a new documentary from Mexico about the politics of decolonization, the history of the Zapatista movement, and their 2021 transatlantic journey from Chiapas to Spain.
Professor Magalí Rabasa will introduce the film and facilitate a conversation afterwards.
Snacks provided! Open to the public!
More info? Email mrabasa@lclark.edu

The final screening of the Latin American and Latino Studies Movie Series will take place on Wednesday, April 10th, at 6pm in Miller 105. The movie to be screened is entitled La Montaña, which follows a transatlantic  journey of a delegation of indigenous rebels of the Zapatista movement from Chiapas to Europe in the midst of the pandemic. Directed by Diego Enrique Osorno, this documentary focuses on decolonization as well as the gap between different generations of the Zapatista movement. This will be the first screening of La Montaña in the Pacific Northwest since its release in 2023.

With an introduction by Hispanic Studies Section Head Magalí Rabasa, this is bound to be a memorable end to the Latin American and Latino Studies Movie Series of Spring 2024. Join the Latin American and Latino Studies Department in celebrating the conclusion of the series.