2024 Transportation and Travel Plan

Fir Acres Writing Workshop: Sunday, June 23 - Saturday, July 6, 2024.

Please fill out this form to let us know how you will be arriving (even if you’re arriving and departing with family members by car).

For participants traveling to Portland via plane, or train, and without family, please let us know your travel plan as soon as you know. We prefer to receive this information by the end of May at the very latest. We want to make sure we schedule you for pick-up and drop-off during our shuttle service on June 23 and July 6, 2024.


Fir Acres will email participants and families before the Workshop start date with a list of round-the-clock program cell phone numbers to use during transit. We will make every effort to track delays in scheduled arrivals and departures, but we ask for participant’s assistance in this as well (in other words: call the program cell phone numbers if your flight is delayed!). If you have questions about transportation arrangements, please call us at 503-768-7932

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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Does Participant request Workshop shuttle transportation TO campus FROM Portland International Airport (PDX), Portland’s AMTRAK station, or Portland’s Greyhound bus station?*
paragraph field

If answer to the above is “Yes,” please fill out the appropriate boxes below. If answer to the above is “No,” move to the “Campus Departure” portion of this form. Participant should arrive with parent or guardian on Sunday, June 23 between 12:00pm and 3:00 p.m. Follow signs to Howard Residence Hall for check-in.

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Airline Arrival Information

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Please plan flights to arrive on Sunday, June 23 around 9:00am, noon, or 3:00pm, if possible. Participants traveling on their own will meet Workshop staff at the airport on the lower level of the terminal (near baggage claim). Participants 15 years old and younger are typically required by the airlines to travel as “unaccompanied minors.” Please let us know if this status applies to your participant.

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Portland AMTRAK Train Arrival Information

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Please schedule trains arriving on Sunday, June 23 between 12:00pm and 3:00pm. We will send an email on meeting place or contact you by phone.

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Portland Greyhound Bus Arrival Information

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Please schedule buses arriving on Sunday, June 23 before 3:00pm. We will send an email on meeting place or call you by phone.

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Does Participant request Workshop shuttle transportation FROM campus TO Portland International Airport (PDX), Portland’s AMTRAK station, or Portland’s Greyhound bus station?*
paragraph field

If answer to the above is “No,” please indicate who will pick up participate below. If answer to the above is “Yes,” move to the “Departure Shuttle” portion of this form to request transportation.

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radio button field
Is participant being picked up by someone other than parent(s) or guardian(s) on Saturday, July 6?
paragraph field

If participant will be picked up by someone other than the parent(s) or guardian(s), please identify all persons authorized to pick up your participant.

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We will assign participant a shuttle depending on the airline, train, or bus departure time.
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With limited meal service on airlines, trains, and buses, and the potential for travel delays, we recommend that participants bring money and plan to purchase meals while in transit. Meals are included during the Workshop, beginning with dinner on Sunday, June 23, and ending with lunch on Saturday, July 6. Thank you for filling out this travel information form!