Release for Off-Campus Visitation (optional)

Off-Campus Visitation: Occasionally, Workshop participants (especially those from out of state) have relatives or family friends who want to see them while they are in residence at Fir Acres. Because the collaboration involved in building a community of writers is a key feature of the Workshop, we would hope to keep these off-campus visits to a minimum.

However, with parent/guardian permission, we can help facilitate a visit on an evening when participants may have free time at the Workshop. Transportation to and from campus is the responsibility of the adult picking up and returning your child.

For your child’s safety, we request that you give us your permission below for any such visit. We will ask the visitor to present photo identification before leaving campus with your child, and he or she will be responsible for checking back in with Workshop staff at the expected time of the return to campus.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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I authorize Lewis & Clark College to release custody of my child (named above) to:

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For a Visit On:

date/time field
Date / Time
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Name of Parent / Guardian Making This Request

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required e-mail address field
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I understand that if this time is not compatible with the final Workshop activities schedule, Workshop staff will notify me and I will make alternative arrangements.