Asthma: Additional Participant Information 2024

Health History Information: Asthma

Since you selected “Yes” under Asthma on the Participant Online Enrollment form, we ask that you complete this form in consultation with your participant and his/her/their physician.

You may attach additional information as necessary, including medication orders and details about your participant’s asthma history. Complete this form no later than May 1st.

We thank you for helping us plan your Workshop by filling out this important form. The more information we know about you before you arrive, the better your experience will be once you arrive in Portland.

If you have questions or concerns, please email ( or call us at 503-768-7932 and we will do our best to answer your questions.

About Fir Acres Writing Workshop and Asthma:

  1. Activities will take place indoors and outdoors, in urban and wooded suburban settings. Exposure to trees, grasses, dust, pollens, molds, bee stings, insect bites, and other environmental factors can be expected.
  2. Participants using an “as needed” inhaler and/or injectable epinephrine (e.g., EpiPen®) should carry their device on their person at all times, and be responsible for self-administration as needed. Please place participant’s initials on the inhaler or/EpiPen.
  3. Fir Acres does not have a registered nurse in residence. The registered nurse is “on call” and will meet with participant on registration day. 
  4. Participants may be transported if necessary to urgent care or emergency department services, approximately 15 minutes by road from the College.
  5. Workshop staff anticipate that participants with asthma are capable self-managers and that they know when to use their medication or to amend any activities to support their health.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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required text field
required text field
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required checkbox field
What triggers participant’s asthma? Check all that apply.*
Select all that apply. Some browsers may require you to press “command” to select more than one.
textarea field
textarea field
Write “N/A” if this does not apply.
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required checkbox field
Does Participant use a peak flow meter?*
required checkbox field
Does Participant use a nebulizer?*
textarea field
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paragraph field

Medications are kept in the Workshop office with the exception of inhalers/Epi-Pens, which must be carried by the participant. Medications are usually dispensed at mealtime, but we can arrange other times if needed.

textarea field
Medication Name, Dose, When Administered, Reason
textarea field
Name, Dose, When Administered, Reason
textarea field
Name, Dose, When to Administer, What Effect Should be Expected and How Quickly
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required text field
required text field
required e-mail address field
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textarea field
textarea field
paragraph field

You may attach additional information about your participant’s asthma below (letter from physician, letter from family, etc.). If we feel we need more information from you or from your participant’s physician, we will let you know. Please upload in PDF file format.

file attachment field
(50 MB max)