• <a href="/live/image/gid/241/width/650/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.jpg" class="lw_preview_image lw_disable_preview" tabindex="-1"><picture class="lw_image lw_image92391"> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/241/width/500/height/240/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/241/width/500/height/240/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/241/width/500/height/240/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 3x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 800px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/241/width/800/height/383/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/241/width/800/height/383/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/241/width/800/height/383/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 3x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 1200px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/241/width/1200/height/575/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/241/width/1200/height/575/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 2x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 1201px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/241/width/1440/height/690/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/241/width/1440/height/690/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 2x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/241/width/1440/height/690/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg" alt="Our residence hall communities are even better from ground level." width="1440" height="690" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/241/width/1440/height/690/crop/1/92391_CAM-A-1020-0015.rev.1643398780.jpg 2x" data-max-w="3200" data-max-h="2400"/> </picture> </a><div class="hero-full_image_caption collapsable-caption"> Our residence hall communities are even better from ground level.</div>

Campus Living

Immerse Yourself in Lewis & Clark

Living on campus is an essential part of the L&C experience—and one of the reasons we have a four-semester requirement for incoming students. In our residence halls, you will learn, grow, and thrive in community with other students. With coffee, food, and study spaces just a step away from your door, you can find everything you need on campus.

Living On Campus

Find Your Community

Within our residence halls, our students form close-knit communities throughout the year. Residents get to know each other on a deeper level than in the classroom through events like group study sessions, movie nights, dance parties, and so much more. On our campus, safety is a priority with emergency blue lights across campus, 24/7 campus safety officers to respond to our students’ needs, and professional hall staff on call at all times.

Housing Portal

Students volunteering during New Student Orientation move-in day. Students volunteering during New Student Orientation move-in day.
Credit: Nina Johnson

A Taste of the Pacific Northwest

Grabbing coffee on your way to class with your roommate is easy when the dining hall is right outside your door! On our residential campus, students can easily head out from their room to relax in our cafés, meet up with friends for dinner, or grab a bite on their way to a study session. Our dining spaces are central points for our on-campus residents to gather at any time of day.

Dining On Campus

  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The best part about living on campus is living with your peers and being so close to the community at Lewis & Clark.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/14638-natalie-zoz">Natalie Zoz BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Lincoln, Nebraska</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a first-year student, I lived in Howard. I enjoyed the quiet nature of living in that hall. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">My second year, I lived in Hartzfeld with two of my good friends. With only around 20 people living in our entire building, it was easy to get to know your neighbors and feel at home.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/14674-mateo-kaiser">Mateo Kaiser BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Mountain View, California</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The forest halls tend to have very close-knit communities. It’s common to see a couple of residents with a mandolin and a guitar jamming out together, or sitting out on the picnic tables doing homework in the sun.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/16684-cami-hildum">Cami Hildum BA ’24</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Corbett, Oregon</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Forest Halls as a whole have a great mix of fun and studiousness—I can throw a frisbee with friends on the Pac-Man lawn or grab a coffee at The Co-op before studying at the tables next to the community garden.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/16679-emily-larabee">Emily Larabee BA ’25</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Anchorage, Alaska</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The best thing about living on campus is the proximity to classes and on-campus resources, such as the dining hall, Maggie’s, and the mailroom.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/16650-sofia-reeves">Sofia Reeves BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Sacramento, California</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p> My job as a resident advisor has given me the wonderful opportunity to meet a wide variety of people. I love being a source of support to my residents.</p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/18341-bella-root">Bella Root BA ’25</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Santa Fe, New Mexico</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p> I find that the facilities present in the residence halls grant me ways to form genuine connections with people while doing activities I love.</p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/18330-mithila-tambe">Mithila Tambe BA ’25</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Pune, Maharashtra, India</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p> The best thing about living on campus is the proximity to the support systems you develop. The small floors allow for tight-knit communities of students living together, and it’s a wonderful feeling to create those connections.</p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/18342-liv-nicks-turnley">Liv Nicks-Turnley BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta"> Longmont, Colorado</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p> The best thing about living on campus is being able to walk around such a peaceful campus. Other colleges tend to have lots of buildings and traffic, and ours has so much nature.</p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/18331-arielle-bloom">Arielle Bloom BA ’24</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Portland, Oregon</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Living on campus is great because of how close you are to everything! Friends, classes, the library, your professors, events. It makes it really easy to feel connected to everything that’s happening around campus and to be a part of the community.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/16683-ashleen-smith">Ashleen Smith BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Madras, Oregon</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p> I lived in Copeland twice. Copeland is predominantly athletes and first-year students. I also lived in the Forest complex in Alder, which was very quiet and relaxing.</p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/16648-dj-smith">DJ Smith BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Las Vegas, Nevada</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The best part about living on campus is enjoying the beautiful scenery, the independence that comes from living away from home, and the friendships you build with the people and entire community you live around.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/14604-alie-cicero">Alie Cicero BA ’24</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Arcadia, California</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p> I have formed close friendships with people in my residence hall. It is exciting to live downstairs from some of my closest friends. </p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/18355-helena-brown">Helena Brown BA ’26</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Billings, Montana</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I’ve been an RA since my sophomore year, and I’ve found some of my closest friends and a huge sense of community overall. I’ve gotten to interact with people from all different majors and backgrounds, people that I probably wouldn’t have gotten to know otherwise.</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/14557-haley-wildhirt">Haley Wildhirt BA ’22</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Longmont, Colorado</span></p></blockquote>
  • <blockquote><p></p><div class="lw_profiles_767"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Something I really enjoyed while living on campus was the proximity to classes. If I forgot something in my room, I could just go grab it and still make it to class on time!</span></p></div><p></p><p class="quote-author"><a class="quoted-profile_name" href="/live/profiles/16682-helen-guyton">Helen Guyton BA ’23</a><br/><span class="quoted-profile_meta">Cologne, Germany</span></p></blockquote>
  • Interior residence hall

    Student Life

    Student Life supports Lewis & Clark students as they actively explore identities, participate in discussions on a wide range of diversity and inclusion issues, and plan and attend events that bring fresh perspectives to our campus.

    Get Involved

  • Manor House

    Wellness Resources

    We believe that holistic wellness—mind, body, and soul—is imperative to your success. We also recognize that not all of our students have the same college journey or the same need for support. This is why we offer wellness resources in many forms: academic, mental, physical, spiritual, and more.

    Wellness On Campus

Experience Campus