What is SEM?

SEM stands for Strategic Enrollment Management and is a broad-based, data-informed effort to improve how we attract, admit, and retain students at the College. The goal is to use our collective expertise to increase revenue while remaining true to our mission. SEM takes a holistic approach, not only targeting the entry point for new students, but focusing on the student experience from recruitment through graduation and beyond.

Who is involved?

SEM is broad-based and collaborative, and includes faculty, staff, students, and administration from across campus. The SEM process is overseen by a steering committee, consisting of six Dean/VP level members, a faculty representative, the Associate VP of PubComm, the Director of Institutional Research, and the Director of Strategic Enrollment Initiatives (DSEI). The DSEI also convenes a Directors Group of operational experts from across campus, who provide technical advice and support. In each phase, initiative-based working groups are charged with strategic ideation and research. Action-planning teams are then assembled as needed to develop and implement ideas that come out of the working groups. These usually include at least one working-group member along with other experts and interested parties.

What is the timeline?

The SEM steering committee was established in the fall of 2017.

The first phase of initiative development and planning began in the summer of 2018 and culminated in the summer of 2019, when the steering committee recommended a slate of strategies to the President for his approval.

This year, SEM is working to implement the approved strategies [link to list of phase I plans]. We have also begun a second phase of initiative development and planning, and anticipate a third in 2020-21.

In addition to pursuing particular initiatives, the SEM steering committee is working to ensure that SEM principles are incorporated into all of the College’s decision-making processes moving forward.

What is an “action plan”?

An action plan is a detailed description of implementation steps, costs, enrollment impact, projected revenue, and assessment mechanisms, as well as many other details.

What if I have an idea for SEM?

SEM is a broad-based process and all ideas are welcome. Please use this feedback form or submit your idea directly to,

What if I want to participate?

We are always looking for people to help develop of action plans. Please use this feedback form or email and we will contact you to discuss your interests and how you can contribute.

What if I have questions?

Use this feedback form or send your questions to