Academic Integrity Information for Faculty

When a faculty member has reason to believe that a violation of our Academic Integrity Policy has occurred, the faculty member should meet with the student to discuss the conduct in question and the evidence thereof. If, after this discussion, the faculty member believes a student has violated the policy, the faculty member has the discretion to assign penalties within the scope of the course, up to and including failure of the course. Not every case needs to be resolved through a formal adjudication by the College Honor Board. However, should the student think that the penalty selected by the faculty member is inappropriate (e.g., because the penalty is too severe, or the evidence does not meet the preponderance of the evidence of a violation), or should the faculty member feel a grade penalty is insufficient, either party can request that the case be reviewed by the College Honor Board.

All possible violations of the Academic Integrity Policy should be reported to the Head of Academic Integrity by completing an Academic Integrity Report. Whether or not the case is referred to the College Honor board, the report should be completed by the faculty member. The student will receive a copy of the report and be informed that they have five business days to correct any factual errors; should a student wish to revisit the agreed upon resolution, they may, within five days, request a meeting with the faculty member. If the faculty member and student are unable to resolve the matter, either may request an Honor Board hearing within five business days. Reports will be retained and reviewed by the Head of Academic Integrity along with any supporting documents as soon as possible after the concern is addressed. The Head will review cases on file for patterns of violations. If the Head believes that a pattern of violations may be emerging, the Head may bring the most recent case to the College Honor Board for adjudication.

Head of Academic Integrity: Gordon Kelly


See Academic Integrity Policy for a description of prohibited conduct in the College of Arts and Sciences.

See College Honor Board to review procedures followed by the College Honor Board. Both the faculty member and the student are requested to attend the Honor Board hearing to present their perspectives on the case at hand when it is adjudicated.