Facilities Needs Your Input
Help Facilities Services support our three campuses by taking 10 minutes to provide feedback regarding campus conditions, your general satisfaction with their services, and their work order process and performance.
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The goal of the L&C facilities office is to provide high quality space and deliver timely, quality, and cost effective services in order to support our campus as a great place to live, learn, and work. As a part of their ongoing efforts to improve their services, they would appreciate your completing a survey about your experiences with their work and process.
You can access the survey at https://sightlines.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0kPpVegmbiZWOxg.
On average, this survey should take 10 minutes to complete. Your answers to will be invaluable in helping facilities improve their response to your needs. Please complete the survey by April 22.
The facilities team thanks you for your help and for taking the time to share your thoughts and impressions.
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email source@lclark.edu