August 18, 2021

Watzek’s Choose Your Own Scavenger Hunt Photo Adventure

Watzek welcomes new and returning students to campus this fall! We invite you to take part in a Choose Your Own Scavenger Hunt Photo Adventure! Participating enters you in a drawing for a limited edition Watzek Library coffee tumbler.

To enter, choose at least three of the following options, and send your photos to with the subject line “Scavenger hunt.” Submit your entry by Friday, September 10.

  1. Take a photo of a space in the library where you can imagine yourself studying or relaxing this fall.
  2. Take a photo of a piece of art in the library made by an LC student. Optional challenge: find the most recent student art.
  3. Find the course reserve list for one of your classes this fall, starting at Take a photo or screenshot of the list.
  4. Take a photo of the Watzek Library Service Desk, where you can always get help with questions about the library or research assignments.
  5. Find one of the pieces of art in the black and white photo above in its natural environment, and photograph it. Optional challenge: find both pieces of art!
  6. Find Watzek’s fireplace, and take a photo.
  7. Search for a book you might be interested in reading for fun this year, and take a photo of it.
  8. Take a photo of something you have a question about, and include the question in your message.