Meet Our Students

The Health Studies minor was launched in the 2020–21 academic year. Students who have majored and minored in the departments represented in Health Studies can give you a great idea of what your experience will be like:

Skylin Alcorn

Hometown: Asheville, North Carolina
Extracurriculars: Crew, Community Chorale, College Outdoors

Riley Arnold

Hometown: Monument, Colorado, and Tampa, Florida
Extracurriculars: Founder of People to People Permaculture, LC Psychology Collaborative Researcher, Garden Educator and Manager at Abernethy Elementary School, The City Repair Project Placemaking Liaison and Permaculture Designer, LC Student Academic Affairs Board (SAAB) Tutor, Portland Community College Garden Volunteer Educator, The People’s Food Cooperative Volunteer, and Farmer’s Market Intern

Malavika Arun

Hometown: Palakkad, Kerala, India
Extracurriculars: Resident Advisor, Bollywood Club Cofounder

Aria Ballance

Hometown: Santa Barbara, California
Overseas Program: India
Extracurriculars: Backpacking, climbing, camping, painting, paddle club, improv troupe

Salma Bashir

Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Overseas Program: East Africa, biology
Extracurriculars: Club Rugby, Pre-Health Professions Club, Orchestra, Biology Teaching Assistant