September 28, 2015

Professor Fisher’s book Landmark shortlisted for the Aperture Foundation’s First Book Prize

Professor Fisher’s book Landmark shortlisted for the Aperture Foundation’s First Book Prize

On Friday evening, September 18, at the New York Art Book Fair, the Paris Photo-Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards shortlist was announced after two days of deliberation by the short list jury, consisting of Yannick Bouillis, founder of Offprint Projects; Julien Frydman, director of development at the LUMA Foundation; Lesley A. Martin, creative director of Aperture Foundation; Mustuko Ota, editor-in-chief of IMA magazine; and Christophe Weisner, artistic director of Paris Photo.

The thirty-five books—plus one special jury mention for a facsimile reproduction of the classic Japanese book, Chizu (The Map) by Kikuji Kawada—are listed below. Thank you to everyone who entered! There was an overwhelming response, with over 1,000 books from over sixty countries submitted. More information on all the titles to come soon, here on-line and in the next issue of The PhotoBook Review.

Link to full story: The 2015 Paris Photo-Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards Shortlist