ASB Interest Form

We are excited to welcome passionate and dedicated students like you to join our vibrant community and make a lasting impact. There are several avenues through which you can get involved in the ASB and contribute to our school’s thriving community. You can choose to join a committee focused on specific areas of interest, or you can indicate your interest in running for a Senate or Cabinet position.

Please take a few moments to fill out this form and let us know about your interests, motivations, and how you envision yourself contributing to ASB. Thank you for considering joining ASB, and we look forward to working together to create an engaging and enriching student experience.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
Please provide your first and last name
required e-mail address field
Please provide you @lclark email address
required radio button field
Class Standing*
required checkbox field
ASB Interest*
What committee or area of ASB are you interested in? NOTE: If you selected Senate/Cabinet, election information will be sent to you as these are elected positions.
textarea field
If possible, please provide more details as to your interest in ASB or rank which committees/positions you would prefer.